Learn through mistakes of life - Deepstash
Learn through mistakes of life

Learn through mistakes of life

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The Art Of Taking Prudent Decisions

The Art Of Taking Prudent Decisions

Choosing the next right step can be a bit of a task at times, we all have been through the phase when every choice seems equally correct, so at such times a rule to make a choice can help a lot.

So here is mine, i call it "The rule of 5", so think about following three scenarios before finalizing your decision-

1) 5 minutes outcome- how will you feel 5 minutes later when you act upon this choice

2) 5 days/weeks- Now think about how will your life will get affected in a time period of 5 days to 5 weeks

3) 5 years- And finally see how it will fit in your life in a span of 5 years.

Hope this helps


27 reads

Emotions Are Fake

Emotions Are Fake

At times we feel utterly happy and energetic and sometimes way too gloomy and blue, life seems to be playing a continuous game of varying our happiness levels on daily infact hourly basis.

But the truth is that our every emotion is backed by a hormone, a chemical our body produces, which had a great role in primitive ages of human beings, when survival was the prime key.

So basically dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, adrenaline etc are some basic hormones which effect our moods. A different combo of these can make us happy, sad, devastated or blissful.

We will talk more about these very soon.


4 reads

Role Of Different Hormones

Role Of Different Hormones

Dopamine - This is attached to the reward circuit of your brain, so when people see/smell sugar, ciggerate smoke, and a good looking girl this chemical surges in and motivates you to achieve it asap, it the reward your mind and body wants to achieve.

Serotonin - When you feel down or sad for no special reason, it's an indication your serotonin levels are going down, it's basically a mood regulator hormone, which helps you relax and be calm.

Oxytocin- Also called the love hormone, as the name suggests it's plays role in social bonding and relationships, and gives a feeling of being loved & cared.


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How To Handle These Crazy Chemicals

One thing we need to remember is that if there is a connection it is always both ways, may be one of them is more visible, but it's always both ways.

So when your hormones are not in synch you feel low, dejected, and all the negative vibes happen to surround you, and opposite happens when your chemicals are in perfect proportions, but what if I tell you can manage them and make yourself the way you want to be and ready to do your task.

The answer is simple do certain activities which automatically will juggle up the required chemicals in your body, to bring them back to default levels.


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Bring Your Hormones To Default Levels

Bring Your Hormones To Default Levels

Following are few things you must give a try -


1) Clean your room- Yes it might seem simple but is very potent, just a small step & your mind rewards you with good vibes.

2) Physical work- Do some push-ups or pull-ups or if you have weights nearby lift them and let your body sweat a little.

3) Songs - Yes, play an energetic postive soul healing music and let it calm you a little.

4) Old memories - Search your hard drive and look at the good old days.


1) Keep lying there and imagining your worst possibilities.

2) Put extra chemicals in your body to heal with natural ones.


4 reads



Still figuring out so nothing much to tell about myself, just ready to do more be more and live more.


Failing and falling are the reasons to get up again, stronger and more ready than ever and not to give up and stop trying.

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