#444: Hugh Jackman on Best Decisions, Daily Routines, The 85% Rule, Favorite Exercises, Mind Training, and Much More - Deepstash
#444: Hugh Jackman on Best Decisions, Daily Routines, The 85% Rule, Favorite Exercises, Mind Training, and Much More

#444: Hugh Jackman on Best Decisions, Daily Routines, The 85% Rule, Favorite Exercises, Mind Training, and Much More

Curated from: The Tim Ferriss Show

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Daily Routines

Daily Routines

  • Hugh Jackman’s routine: wake up, make coffee, take a cold shower, read for 30 minutes, and then meditate
  • Hugh started reading every day after a conversation with Patrick Stewart
  • He doesn’t read the newspaper because it makes him angry, and he doesn’t read emails or scripts because it makes him anxious. Instead, when he wakes up he’ll read a book for 30 minutes during the week and an hour during the weekend.


658 reads



  • The trick to life is to not let the mind be your master but let it be your servant.
  • Meditation allows you to quiet your monkey mind.
  • After meditating, Hugh Jackman feels that his attention is clearer and he can listen better
  • Hugh meditates twice a day almost every day.


607 reads

Broadway Routine

Broadway Routine

  • Hugh Jackman doesn’t drink alcohol because It’s really important for him to wake up in a good frame of mind. He doesn’t go out and party afterward.
  • He says that The party he has on stage is better than anything he can imagine anywhere else.
  • He limits the amount of coffee intake and tries to quiet his monkey mind before going on stage by stretching and doing his warm-ups.


660 reads

Lessons From His Parents

  • You cannot overinvest in education
  • If you are ever in doubt of what to do, go and learn more
  • Everyone needs to feel appreciated. It doesn’t matter what they do, it doesn’t matter who they are, that’s a need in everybody.
  • If you’re a guest, always offer to help clean up
  • You always keep your word


576 reads

Discovering Acting

After finishing high school, Hugh decided he wanted to study economics and law. However, halfway through his gap year, he realized that wasn’t the direction he wanted to go into so he switched to communications. Hugh ended up graduating college with a degree in journalism

In his last semester, he took a theater class because he needed to fill an elective and the class had no exams. Hugh ended up getting the lead role.

It was around that time that Hugh had the epiphany that he loved theater more than journalism or any other subject. 

Hugh graduated from drama school when he was 26


445 reads

Work Your Butt Off

Whatever you want to accomplish in life, you can’t sit around waiting for luck to happen. You have to chase success. Be stoic, be hopeful, but work your ass off.

Most actors are unemployed so if you get a job you need to work like hell. Say yes to any role you can get.

Hugh also had this attitude you got to say yes to everything when you graduate. Just say yes, go for everything.

Even though Hugh wasn’t a singer, his agent told him to audition for the role of Gaston in Beauty and the Beast. Hugh ended up getting the role.


472 reads



Hugh loves doing puzzles, he recommends getting a 1,000 piece puzzle from Wentworth. When he’s working on a puzzle, he has to set an alarm to remind him to go to sleep or otherwise he’ll stay up till 4 AM working on it

Doing puzzles puts him at ease he thinks it’s probably another form of meditation in a way. He also likes to turn memorable photos into puzzles he uses MyJigsawpuzzle to do so.


478 reads

Books Recommended

Hugh started taking cold showers after reading about the benefits of it in Tim’s book The 4 Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat Loss, Incredible Sex and Becoming Superhuman 

Hugh will read a book out loud for 15 minutes and then his wife will do the same. Right now Hugh and his wife are reading The Second Mountain: The Quest for a Moral Life by David Brooks

3 books Hugh gifts to people regularly:

  • Here is New York by E.B. White
  • This Is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, about Living a Compassionate Life by David Foster Wallace
  • The Overstory: A Novel by Richard Power


506 reads



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