Kill Technical Debt Before it Kills Your Project - Deepstash
Kill Technical Debt Before it Kills Your Project

Kill Technical Debt Before it Kills Your Project

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Defining Technical Debt

Defining Technical Debt

Technical debt refers to a rushed development process or a lack of shared knowledge among team members. However, in many cases, technical debt is inevitable and is part of a normal software development process.

The negative impact of technical debt on businesses is massive.

Here are the best ways to prevent and manage technical debt that both startups and enterprise companies can implement today.


140 reads

Knowledge-Based Tech Debt

Knowledge-Based Tech Debt

Imagine two software engineers have worked on a new feature. They own all knowledge about this specific feature. However, other software engineers in your team don't have this knowledge. When they have to work on this feature or have to do an implementation that makes use of this feature, they won't have the knowledge required to correctly implement a new feature.

Therefore, it's essential that you actively share knowledge about features and important codebase changes.


83 reads

Design Debt

Design Debt

Design debt often occurs in highly competitive markets or startups where speed to market often is the highest priority.

When delivering new features quickly, you're not thinking about the structure of features or the architecture of your codebase. It often gets neglected, making it increasingly harder to add new features. And now you have to fix it as a team.

Therefore, design debt is closely linked to structuring features and adhering to design patterns.


62 reads

Code Debt

Code Debt

Code debt is about writing bad code and not fixing this in time. For instance, a developer wants to quickly merge code without writing sufficient tests or adhering to code standards.

Many organizations use automation tools such as pre-commit hooks with code linting to verify code quality. When you don’t implement such code checks, bad code can quickly decline the overall quality of your codebase.


55 reads

Three Best Ways to Fight and Prevent Technical Debt: Code and Architecture Refactoring

Three Best Ways to Fight and Prevent Technical Debt: Code and Architecture Refactoring

A refactoring week allows your team to resolve open bugs, evaluate the current architecture, and prepare the architecture for the upcoming product features.

 Benefit: A refactoring week gives the needed breathing room for developers to evaluate and reflect on the code before implementing a new set of features. It’s great for solving big pieces of debt.

Drawback: The development process slows down while you are doing refactoring and your team is not solving debt continuously.


50 reads

Start Regular Technical Debt Discussions

Start Regular Technical Debt Discussions

A retrospective meeting addresses what went well and what didn’t. It’s an open stage to share feedback without placing blame. It would be best if you focused on improvement.

Benefit: You can use retrospective meetings to share updates about the code. Engineers can show what they have accomplished.  

Drawback: Stakeholders and managers need to be on board with the vision and give engineers time to organise these meetings.


41 reads

Start Tracking Technical Debt in Your Editor

Start Tracking Technical Debt in Your Editor

Tracking technical debt in the editor allows engineers to:

  • Get full visibility on technical debt
  • See context for each codebase issue
  • Reduce context switching
  • Solve technical debt continuously

Benefit: Developers already spend most of their time in the editor so it's the best place to track and report technical issues. Implementing a process for managing technical debt will positively influence engineering team morale and customer satisfaction.

Drawback: Starting a new habit takes time and effort from team members and it's impossible to do without a tech debt hero.


31 reads

How to Detect a Growing Technical Debt

Track metrics related to different types of tech debt.

  • Overall code coverage percentage and code coverage per feature
  • Number of failed CI/CD builds
  • Bug count per week or month
  • Feature throughput
  • Issues with non-functional requirements


40 reads

How to Deal with Tech Debt Differently

How to Deal with Tech Debt Differently

  • Startups can easily solve technical debt by implementing automated tools that verify code quality.
  • Large enterprises need to use project management tools to understand which features are in development and who’s working on specific areas of the codebase.
  • They should use automated code quality tools to ensure overall codebase health.


34 reads

The Bottom Line

Leaving technical debt unaddressed can result in several issues for your organisation, such as higher total cost of ownership, slower time to market, reduced agility because of a poorly designed architecture, and poor security.

Make sure to have a process that makes it easy to share knowledge with team members and resolve technical debt continuously.


48 reads



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