Effective Ways For Employees To Deal With Office Politics - Deepstash
Effective Ways For Employees To Deal With Office Politics

Effective Ways For Employees To Deal With Office Politics

Curated from: sapnepublication.com

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Office Politics

According to a report by Bridge, that surveyed more than 1000 office employees:

  • 78% of respondents believe working more hours is at least moderately important in getting promoted
  • 53% of employees believe engaging in workplace politics is an important factor in receiving a promotion
  • 43% said that acting interested in their “boss’s dumb story” is at least moderately important

Despite being aware of dirty politics in workplaces, we are not able to stop it completely.

However, there are ways we can cope with it and in this article, we are going to talk about just that.


102 reads

Types of office politicians

1. The One With Ego

This person reckons that s/he is always right. S/he has the habit of not letting others have their say. S/he talks a lot about motivation and teamwork, but when it actually comes to walking the talk, they take a completely different turn. Also, these folks tend to be nice to those who always agree with them and flatter their ego.

2. The Bully

These folks are always on the go to use their authority and power to get their work done by others. They even tend to play the power game to get their personal work done.


101 reads

3. The Climbers

These folks climb the corporate ladder to achieve a higher position even by backstabbing colleagues and flattering the senior and important folks of the organization.

4. The Gossiper

Gossipers can someone who praises others and also someone who talks negatively about others. They basically can’t keep anything in their stomach, they gladly talk it out.

5. The Bus Drivers

These are the ones who are really good at using someone else’s credibility to take their career ahead. They basically stand behind your back and wait for the right moment to shove you under the bus and go ahead.


87 reads

How to deal with office politics?

1. Be True To Your Work

Work is worship! One must respect his/her work — it’s the source of your bread and butter. You don’t have to stay back and work extra hours, all you have to do is make sure you are always on time to work, you dedicate yourself to your work for those 8-9 hours, and leave when your shift is done.

You all must have noticed that people who preach less and work more are always successful and are less into controversies.


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2. Be Friendly With Everyone At All Levels

Always carry a genuine smile, always greet people, be friendly, and be the one who helps and supports others.

By being likable, you get a lot of advantages — when you are good to others (whether to your colleagues or boss or even the office boys), you tend to form a genuine support system.

And people with that kind of support don’t tend to fall victim to office politics.


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3. Make It Clear — You Are Not Open To Gossip

If you ever happen to bump into one, and s/he start some gossip, communicate strictly on a need-to-know basis that you don’t want to talk about others at all. If there’s something else s/he wants to talk about then continue or else leave it there itself.

4. Communication Is The Key

Every time you find yourself in a political cold war, be open to having a conversation. Talk to the person directly and put your point.

If you're a manager or someone who leads a team and has been seeing politics, make sure you get the parties together and talk about it.


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5. Do Not Tolerate

Politics in workplaces don’t do any good to anyone and being silent about it and tolerating it is no good either.

There are people who fear that if they raise their voices against the wrongdoers of the office, they will be kicked out of the office.

But I want all of them to know one thing that a 9-5 job cannot be bigger than your self-respect.

If you feel there’s something wrong happening to you, talk to the higher folks of the organization directly, and if they also don’t take any action, you don’t have to stay in that place anymore.


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Content Marketing Specialist and Blogger


Most of us working professionals have experienced or seen in our offices. We all have that one colleague or boss who has made it really tough for us to survive in our workplaces. And the most frustrating fact about it is that you can’t escape it — it’s everywhere!

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