Banish Your Inner Critic - Deepstash

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Identifying Your Inner Critic's Voice

Identifying Your Inner Critic's Voice

The inner critic manifests in our minds through repetitive, harshly judgmental self-talk that points out perceived mistakes, inadequacies, faults and shortcomings.

Recognizing the negative tone and repetitive nature of this inner voice is the first step in banishing your inner critic.

Become aware of when your inner dialogue becomes critical rather than constructive.


358 reads

Reframing Failure as Growth

Reframing Failure as Growth

Failure and mistakes should be redefined as an essential, inevitable part of the learning process and personal growth rather than something to be avoided at all costs.

  • Adopting a growth mindset allows you to move past perfectionism, excessive self-blame and fear of failure.
  • Reframe moments of failure as feedback and opportunity for improvement.


315 reads


The inner critic is the voice inside our heads that finds fault and shortcoming in just about everything we do.



296 reads

Examining Your Critic's Triggers

Examining Your Critic's Triggers

Take time to deeply reflect on the situations or circumstances that tend to trigger the voice of your inner critic, whether it's taking on challenges, receiving evaluations, comparisons with others, etc.

Uncover the roots of your inner critic, like childhood experiences, trauma, personality traits or cognitive distortions.


271 reads

Building Your Coping Toolbox

Building Your Coping Toolbox

  • Proactively build a coping toolbox with techniques to help relieve excessive self-criticism when it arises, rather than reacting in the moment.
  • Potential tools include journaling, exercise, counseling, mindfulness practices, distraction, cognitive restructuring and more.

Find what works best for you.


249 reads

Maintaining Positive Changes Long-Term

Maintaining Positive Changes Long-Term

  • Make conscious choices each day to stick to utilizing your coping strategies.
  • Celebrate small wins and progress.
  • Enlist others to hold you accountable.
  • Be vigilant, as old critical patterns of thinking may resurface even after initial improvements.
  • Changing deeply ingrained self-talk requires ongoing effort.


252 reads

Practicing Self-Compassion

Practicing Self-Compassion

  • Intentionally counteract the harsh judgments of your inner critic with conscious self-compassion.
  • Actively treat yourself with the same empathy, care and kindness you would show a dear friend in challenging times.
  • Daily self-compassion practices like positive affirmations, self-care, and loving-kindness meditation can transform self-talk.


225 reads


Self-compassion studies show that treating yourself with kindness and empathy not only helps abate harsh self-criticism, but also enhances motivation.



263 reads



Diplomatic Services operational officer


The book Banish Your Inner Critic by Denise Jacobs aims to help readers silence their inner critic and overcome self-doubt. It provides strategies to cultivate more positive self-talk and transform one's relationship with failure.

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