7 ways to improve your mood in less than 5 minutes - Deepstash
7 ways to improve your mood in less than 5 minutes

7 ways to improve your mood in less than 5 minutes

Curated from: businessinsider.com

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7 ideas


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Listen To Upbeat Music

Listening to upbeat music can actually improve your mood. 

It's important not to overthink, "Am I happy yet?" while listening, and instead just allow yourself to enjoy the experience. 


985 reads

Get A Good Laugh

Laughter increases dopamine in our brains, which is a chemical that elevates mood. 

The next time you're in a bad mood, try pulling up some Amy Schumer or an SNL digital short on YouTube.


696 reads

Walk Around The Block

Even mild exercise, about 40 percent of your max heart rate, can lift your mood.  Do activities that match your mood instead of trying to force yourself to do something you're just not feeling.


738 reads


Clutter is a reminder of things that should be getting done, but aren't, and can help fuel feelings of failure.

Just the illusion of order is enough to ease the mind. Put things into neater stacks and piles for an instant boost in mood.


695 reads

Give Someone A Hug

When you stimulate the pressure receptors in the skin, you lower stress hormonesTouching others stimulates oxytocin, which also has positive effects on our mood. 

Rubbing your own forehead, hands, and neck, as self-massage has been shown to decrease heart rate and reduce the stress hormone cortisol in our systems.


581 reads

Think About What Went Well

Reflect on three things that are going well or three positive moments in your day, and even replay them in your mind.

Mentally revisiting these moments will help bring back the good mood and feelings they initially created.


577 reads

Allow Yourself To Vent

There are actually some advantages to venting about a problem to a friend, and helping with your mood is one of them. 

In many situations, it's better for you to discharge negative emotions than to keep them bottled up inside.


699 reads



I love playing tennis, running and watching cat videos. Coffee is my friend.

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