Stop Worrying About Missed Habits - Darius Foroux - Deepstash
Stop Worrying About Missed Habits - Darius Foroux

Stop Worrying About Missed Habits - Darius Foroux

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4.22K reads


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Missed Habits

Missed Habits

We tend to get disappointed with ourselves and get hard on ourselves when we miss a habit because we try our best to stick to it.

However, if taken to an extreme, it backfires on you most of the time. Being overly dramatic towards a small mishap is unnecessary. The world isn't ending if you don't stick to your habits for a day or two.


1.07K reads

Habits are not supposed to be a burden

Having an all or nothing mentality can be detrimental to your physical and mental well-being. It opens a gap for us to attack ourselves with negative self-talk.

If you failed to work out today doesn't mean that you're a failure. Stop punishing yourself for a minor setback and focus on getting back on the saddle.


806 reads

Thich Nhat Hanh

"You have struggled in the past, and perhaps you are still struggling; but is it necessary? No. Struggle is useless. Stop struggling".



892 reads

When streaks can be harmful

It doesn't really matter what you did yesterday. Stop bringing yesterday in today and focus on living in the present moment.

Many apps today from habits to heallth to meditation have track "streaks". Its aim is to encourage us to make continuous progress by showing us how many consecutive days we've done that thing. Streaks can backfire all the time because once we've messed up our "20-day streak" we get unmotivated and less likely to repeat the habit again.


673 reads

Get back on track

Even if you've missed a day or two it's important to remember that every day is a new day and yesterday has nothing to do with today.

Let yourself live and learn how to not beat yourself up because of missed habits. Life is too short to live with burden.


781 reads



Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke.

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