How to Improve yourself in 6 Months - Deepstash
How to Improve yourself in 6 Months

How to Improve yourself in 6 Months

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What does it takes?

What does it takes?

It takes time to undo a lifetime of bad choices, but you’d be surprised how much you can accomplish in six months if you’re committed and take consistent action. You can make a huge change in your life in just half a year.


501 reads

Set a goal in each of the following areas: Financial, Health, Career and Other.

  • Financial: You might want to set a goal for your bank account balance, earnings, or to pay off your debt.
  • Health : Need to lose a few pounds ? Want to bench press 250 pounds? Follow a healthy diet for six months?
  • Career: Perhaps you want a promotion, to change companies.
  • Miscellaneous: You could set a goal to travel somewhere, master a song on the piano, get a jump on learning a language, or buy a new car.


161 reads

"A good goal is something that you believe is possible but would be challenging. It should also be something that makes you excited when you think about achieving it."



204 reads

2. Measure your current situation

Understand where you’re starting. If you want to increase your savings account to $10,000, you’d best known your current balance. The same goes for your weight if you’re trying to lose weight.


175 reads

3. Create a plan

Based on where you are and where you want to go, what is a logical plan to get there? Remember that you have six months and plan accordingly.


137 reads

4. Determine the habits you need to ensure success.

If you want to lose weight, you exercise and diet habits are important. Your habits have a tremendous impact on the results you achieve in life. Good habits yield good results.


128 reads

5. Set short-term goals

It’s hard to stay focused on a goal for six months, and it’s easy to procrastinate. Set short-term goals that lead to your long-term goals.


135 reads

6. Take action

Even with the best plans in the world, nothing happens until you take action to reach your goals.


115 reads

7. Keep a journal.

Record your feelings, plans, ideas, results, and observations. You’ll get a kick out of looking back on your journal someday.


123 reads

8. Measure your progress.

Regularly measure your progress. It’s important to know how you’re doing so you can make any adjustments. How will you know if your diet and exercise plans are working if you never get on the scale?


108 reads

9. Be flexible in your approach.

You’re probably not going to create the perfect plan right out of the gate. There will be a lot of fine tuning along the way. Stick to your goals but be willing to change how you accomplish them.


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