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In “Ep. 287: Minimalist Notes” of “Deep Questions with Cal Newport,” Cal explores minimalist note-taking strategies to capture high-quality information efficiently.

We (can) become more of what we eat or less of what we eat. | Age within an individual can simply be a proxy for activity. | Muscle itself doesn’t seem to get that old.

So, When I first joined the challenge and tried to explore Marcus Aurelius, I started to get interested in his thoughts, so this is just a continuation of my quest...

Narcisism is a one the main negative psychological traits. It's impirtant to be aware of it.

Marc and Andrew Huberman talk about the double-edged sword of risk-taking, the capacity to navigate uncertainty, public trust, universities, politics and the regulation of AI.

In this conversation, Jocko Willink and Jordan Peterson discuss leadership principles, dealing with dramatic mistakes, how to get others to listen to you, sacrifice, psychopathy, ego, prestige, and more.




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What is all we know about democracy is wrong?

Story is a superpower, and there are hints for all of us to tell better ones. Matt is a teacher and author of Storyworthy.

An inspiring interview with David Goggins - Hubberman Lab

Andrew Huberman's latest podcast explores effective immune-boosting strategies against colds and flu, debunking myths and evaluating remedies like vitamins and exercise, while emphasizing overall immune health.

Lenny discusses with his former boss about the new Airbnb methods for building product.

My emotions has been a wreck recently, and this is what I've learned. Pass it on to others, it's sacred knowledge!

I rest at the thought of my community being the best people, that's why I create podcast episodes, and deepstash ideas.

My podcast has always pushed me further in learning knowledge, now its time to pass it on

Dinesh Agarwal on building succesful digital marketplace and view on compounding & growth.

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