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Psychology student with a passion for learning and developing as a person.


An inevitable search for Attitude, Psychology and Startups


Public Speaking, Coaching, Counseling, Mindfulness & Autogenic Training, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Computer Engineering, Osteopathy, Traditional Chinese & Ayurvedic Medicine, Asian Languages and culture, Music & Art Therapy, Nada Yoga, Spiritualism


I believe that the vastness of the internet holds content that can aid each of you on your path to self-improvement. My hope is to curate and deliver this content to you, supporting your journey towards becoming a better version of yourself!


I read, I like, I share


Hi! 🔭 Nice to meet you all. My name is Giovanni, I'm 15 years old and live in Italy. I am a big dreamer and I wish to change the world. My mission is to help as many people as possible embark on the journey of leveling 🆙 in life.


Life-long learner. Passionate about leadership, entrepreneurship, philosophy, Buddhism & SF. Founder @deepstash.


“An idea is something that won’t work unless you do.” - Thomas A. Edison


Thinker, procrastinator, and


I help entrepreneurs and coaches save upto 30hrs/week with my virtual assistance. Topics i post about : 👉 Marketing. 👉 Productivity 👉 philosophy insights 📘


परिवर्तनमेव स्थिरमस्ति ~ My Focused Discourse on Self-help | Psychology | Emotion & Intelligence | Engineering & Innovation | Effects & Laws | the Cosmos.


I read books and provide quick dense insightful points of the book. I also omit some points of a book if they are repetitive and are found in various other books. Hope you find it helpful. Cheers! Reach out to me on discord @rohitpatnaik


Hey there! I’m twenty years old and like to make summaries of self-improvement topics I find interesting. Best of luck leveling up your life, hopefully my efforts will help you out.


A learner who loves to share wisdom on personal growth, happiness, and success on Deepstash. Topics include motivation, habits, goals, and mindset. Believes that everyone can achieve their dreams with the right attitude and action.


A probably-normal human being.


Psychology enthusiast, counselor, artist, devourer of books and an okay-ish writer. Slightly obsessed with 4 legged balls of fur and true crime documentaries (in that order).


19 | Generalist, Content Creator, Student at Christ University. Stashing about entrepreneurship, self-help, spirituality and the most interesting stuff I read.

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