Create your own greenlights - Deepstash
Create your own greenlights

Create your own greenlights

McConaughey says that we should not wait for external factors to give us permission or approval to do what we want. We should take action and create our own opportunities by being proactive, prepared, and persistent. He gives examples of how he created his own greenlight in his career, such as auditioning for roles he wanted, writing his own scripts, and producing his own movies.


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A learner who loves to share wisdom on personal growth, happiness, and success on Deepstash. Topics include motivation, habits, goals, and mindset. Believes that everyone can achieve their dreams with the right attitude and action.

Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey is a book that invites you to join him on a journey of discovery, adventure, and wisdom. It is based on his personal journals, which he started writing when he was fourteen years old. He shares his stories, prayers, poems, people, and places that shaped his life and inspired him to find his own green lights. He calls it an “approach book”, not a memoir or an advice book12. It is a book that will make you laugh, cry, think, and act. It is a book that will help you catch more green lights in your own life.

The idea is part of this collection:

Sleep Better

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