Follow Your Passion - Deepstash
Follow Your Passion

Follow Your Passion

Get obsessed with what you want to do in life. If you love Mathematics, become a Mathematician. It shouldn’t matter to you if it earns you a good living or not.

Whatever you do, do it the best way. You are paid for the service you give to the world. If you can provide solutions to the problems you love, you are qualified to earn money, a lot of it.

  • Pick any skill
  • Laser focus in on it
  • Devote 4 hours a day
  • Complete 10,000 hours to achieve Mastery


923 reads




Writer | Content Creator | Physics Lover | Programmer | Muslim

It’s not impossible to earn a lot of money doing what you love. Thanks to the internet, earning money for anyone, has become way easier than it used to be.

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