Who Are The Illborn? - Deepstash
Who Are The Illborn?

Who Are The Illborn?

The book follows the storylines of four individuals living in very different circumstances but with similar visions and dreams. However, none of them can interpret the meaning of those dreams. One is a short boy living in a village, other is the son of a duke bound to join the Holy Church, third is the daughter of a courtesan and the fourth wants to become a priestess. All had the course of their lives set for them until they realised they had powers which altered the course of their lives and fate.


35 reads




Full time reader (and part-time Growth Consultant) trying to make the sense of the world by learning from the experiences of intellectuals around me and before me.

Four individuals with unique powers. Each is connected to the other by the same dream. One can control emotions, other can induce lust, third has superhuman strength and the fourth can tame minds. One force wants them to reunite, other wants them to be killed.

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