Formation Of Habits - Deepstash

Formation Of Habits

Habits are formed by doing something constantly and regularly. The more it is repeated, the more it gains strength.

Trigger, Action and Reward: The process of habit formation is through a neurological loop which starts with a cue, or a trigger(like the time of the day) followed by the habit (action) and lastly the reward or the dopamine hit which satisfies and paves the way to follow the cue next time. To form a habit, however big, one can start small and then work on it on a regular basis.


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Understand how habits are formed, so you can break bad habits and replace them with good habits.

The idea is part of this collection:

How To Break Bad Habits

Learn more about personaldevelopment with this collection

Understanding the psychological rewards of bad habits

Creating new habits to replace old ones

Developing self-discipline

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