Personal Growth: Why Inspirational Talks Don't Work - Deepstash
Personal Growth: Why Inspirational Talks Don't Work

Personal Growth: Why Inspirational Talks Don't Work

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Synthetic inspiration

Synthetic inspiration

Sometimes, you might read an inspirational book or listen to an inspirational talk, only to find the inspiration gone the next day. You may feel even worse because you failed to take even one tiny step towards your goal.

That is because this synthetic inspiration has a very short shelf life.


1.75K reads

Lasting inspiration

Real inspiration does not come from the outside - it comes from a deep place within us that demands that we take action. The inspiration that comes from talks, movies, or books provokes inspiration but does not provide sufficient follow-through.

Motivation without a clear direction has little value. Direction is insufficient without knowledge, skills, or support.


1.43K reads

The real thing is within reach

A small number of people are on the verge of change and need the slightest nudge of inspiration from the outside to start pursuing their goals.

However, it is not the inspiration itself that is long-lasting. Great inspirations work so well because of their ability to help others find their own personal inspiration every day. The real inspiration that will sustain you is deep within you. You don't have to spend on manufactured inspiration, because you found the real thing right under your nose.


1.32K reads



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