100+ Productivity Tips & Unique Daily Facts to Win at Work - Deepstash

Productivity Tips & Facts Curated by Overachievers from Trusted Sources

Cut through the clutter of workplace productivity advice with Deepstash. Here, you'll find a collection of ideas that showcase what worked for actual users and not just internet regular tips & tricks. Curated from real-world experiences and diverse sources like books, podcasts, videos, and articles. It’s a community-driven bite-sized knowledge sharing, packed with insights on increasing work and personal productivity.

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Deepstash’s idea cards distill complex productivity concepts into accessible insights which are a perfect form factor for sharing and flicking through productivity facts and tips. Users tap into a daily stream of insights like these, either to enhance productivity at work, school or just make the most out of their free time.

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Productivity tools to consider 🗒

  • Create a schedule for your day and stick to it!

  • Chunk: Group like tasks together into blocks of time, then focus on those specifics.

  • RPM: Short for Results-oriented/Purpose-driven/Massive Action Plan: a system to uncover what you want and then reap the rewards.

  • Harness the power of habit and productivity will become second nature.


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4 essential components of effective single-tasking

4 essential components of effective single-tasking

  1. Cutting out distractions.
  2. Make a single-tasking plan you’ll actually stick to.
  3. Dealing with unavoidable distractions.
  4. Getting back on track when you’ve fallen off the single-tasking band wagon.


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Making a single-tasking plan

Making a single-tasking plan

  • Keep a to-do list with focused, actionable items.
  • Visualize your to-do’s one at a time, by writing them on sticky notes.
  • Schedule your daily to-do’s.
  • Create unrealistically short deadlines: it forces you to stay focused.
  • Keep a timer on your tasks.
  • Theme your days.


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Getting back on track

Getting back on track

  • Take regular breaks throughout the day. Our brains simply did not evolve to focus on one thing for extended periods of time - the longer we work without the breaks, the more prone to distraction we become.
  • Forgive yourself when your day doesn’t go as planned. Ruminating on the past one of the least productive things you can do.


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Elon Musk’s Productivity Tips

Elon Musk’s Productivity Tips

  • By delegating whenever possible and surrounding himself with a dedicated team of engineers, Musk frees up his time for the projects for which he is most competent and passionate.
  • Musk also focuses on activities that make money and generate revenue for his brand; this is a simplified approach among successful business owners.


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Jeff Bezos Productivity Tips

Jeff Bezos Productivity Tips

  • Clarity about his purpose and position helps Jeff Bezos get things done.
  • Recognizing meetings are prospective time-wasters, Bezos steers clear of meetings that are not needed.
  • He uses the “Two Pizza Rule,” never inviting more people to a meeting that could consume two pizzas. The more people you squeeze into a meeting, the less productive it is likely to be.


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Bill Gates Productivity Tips

Bill Gates Productivity Tips

  • Work hard and make no excuses for doing less than your best.
  • Sometimes change must happen to move forward.
  • Believe in your dreams and goals and stay focused.
  • Hire the best talent you can and fully support them.
  • Cut down on paper – utilize email, online scheduling, and cloud sharing first and always.
  • Filtering can help reduce your incoming emails and communications to a more productive level.
  • Use a whiteboard to enhance collaboration, tell stories, brainstorm, and power new ideas.


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Steve Jobs
This is how I do it. I take a sheet of paper, and I say, ‘If my company can only do one thing next year, what is it?’ We shut everything else down.”



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Oprah Winfrey’s Productivity Tips

Oprah Winfrey’s Productivity Tips

  • Wake up early and eat a nutritious breakfast;
  • Focus on your goals;
  • Rise above and overcome adversity – even if it seems impossible;
  • Follow your passion and channel your energy into success;
  • Practice stillness. Oprah spends 20-minutes per day sitting in absolute stillness. It helps her to clear her mind and focus on her jobs and outstanding projects at hand;
  • Lead a life for others – Oprah dedicates much of her time to helping others.
  • Seize every opportunity that comes your way, no matter how big or how small.


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Brian Tracy Productivity Tips

Brian Tracy Productivity Tips

  • Focus first on the tasks that earn you more money.
  • Dump the electronic interruptions, or severely limit them so you can focus on selling.
  • Ignore email in the morning, checking it will merely distract you from your goals.
  • Make a prioritized list each evening for the next day.
  • Getting up early each day will help you become productive and focus on everything you need to accomplish.


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Sheryl Sandberg’s Top Productivity Tips

Sheryl Sandberg’s Top Productivity Tips

  • Work hard – but also strive to have a life, too.
  • Create a network – and then leverage it.
  • Be as efficient as possible.
  • Don’t be afraid to go old school if you prefer paper lists and reminders.


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Jessica Alba’s Productivity Tips

Jessica Alba’s Productivity Tips

  • Be involved in the daily management of your brand without micromanaging your team.
  • Ask for help to shorten the learning curve when you start something new.
  • If f you have an idea, you don’t have to be a pro at designing a product or marketing - you can hire people to help you with the essential details.
  • You need a passion for what you do, to be genuinely productive.
  • Hire the right people with the right expertise to help you.


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Tim Ferriss’ Productivity Tips

Tim Ferriss’ Productivity Tips

  • Identify those things that are causing you the most stress.
  • Make a list of the top 3-5 items to work on in a day and decide which ones are truly worthy of time.
  • Work when you are most useful to boost productivity.
  • Being busy doesn’t mean you are getting much done.
  • Don’t make it easy for others to say no.
  • If you find it necessary, make time for it.
  • Money is not the only measure of success.


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Mark Zuckerberg Productivity Tips

  • Make decisions that matter.
  • Zuckerberg wears almost the same thing every day, so he never has to spend brain time wondering what to wear each day.
  • Set annual goals. It is easy to get bogged down in the day to day details and lose focus if you only have short-term goals.
  • Support employees, but keep them on their toes. When you hold your employees to a high standard, you can depend on them and ensure they get things done.


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Warren Buffet Productivity Tips

Warren Buffet Productivity Tips

  • Write down your top goals, both long and short-term things.
  • Focus on the top five goals and then deliberately ignore the rest. The remaining 20 items will end up distracting you from accomplishing the things you most want to do.


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Warren Buffet
Don’t prioritize your schedule, schedule your priorities.



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Productivity And More Work

Productivity And More Work

If you become more productive and start finishing work earlier people may expect you to find more stuff to do to fill in the remaining hours. You can leverage that extra work into a promotion or raise – or convince your boss to adopt a telecommuting plan so you can work from home.

But productivity goes beyond work. Being more productive in your life means having more time to do the things you like.


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Polyphasic sleep method

Polyphasic sleepers break up sleep into multiple short phases, which allows for less sleep overall and significant increases in productivity.

The amount of sleep in each phase can vary, with some people sleeping only in 20-minute naps and others grabbing larger chunks of sleep and then supplementing with naps.


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More time and productivity

Working longer hours doesn’t necessarily increase productivity. It’s been proven to lower productivity, lead to errors and generate stress.


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Your workspace matters

Your workspace matters

When you spend hours at your desk every day, even the smallest features of your workspace – such as the position of your monitor or the height of your chair– can greatly affect your productivity and even your health.

With a few adjustments you can improve your working environment and keep your desk from killing you.


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Productivity guilt

It’s the constant nagging feeling that you should be doing more. And if you’re not doing everything, then you’re a lazy slacker who will never reach your goals. -- Scott H. Young

That’s simply not true. Even small efforts have a cumulative effect.


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Treating cheating as a reward

If someone treats themselves to a dress after a week of saving, this undermines the achievement they have made. 

Try to view the act of you achieving your goals as the treat. 


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Browsing the web

It can be easy to get side-tracked and find yourself online. Many people plan on briefly checking social media or checking the answer to a question, but end up staying online for much longer than intended. 

Write down what you wanted to look at online, put it to the side, and then finish off the task you were doing before checking.


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Hitting the snooze button

When you first wake up, your body starts releasing alertness hormones to get you up and ready for the day. Every time you go hit snooze, you slow down this process.


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Those that do multitask the most are the worst at it.

Productivity is defined as, “having the power to produce.” By that definition, multitasking is the opposite of productivity because you are more prone to distractions and have less power to produce what you need to produce.


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Track and limit your time spent

Only around 17 % of people are able to accurately estimate the passage of time. 

Using the right tool can help by letting you know exactly how much time you spend on daily tasks, including social media, email, word processing, and apps.


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Take regular breaks

Taking scheduled breaks can actually help improve concentration. 

Some research has shown that taking short breaks during long tasks helps you to maintain a constant level of performance.


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Follow the "two-minute rule"

If you see a task or action that you know can be done in two minutes or less, do it immediately. 

Completing the task right away actually takes less time than having to get back to it later.


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Just say no to meetings

The average office worker spends over 31 hours each month in unproductive meetings.

Before booking your next meeting, ask yourself whether you can accomplish the same goals or tasks via email, phone, or Web-based meeting.


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Take advantage of your commute

This goes for any unexpected "bonus" time you may find on your hands.

Instead of Candy-Crushing or Facebooking, use that time to pound out some emails, create your daily to-do list, or do some brainstorming.


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Give up on the illusion of perfection

It's common for entrepreneurs to get hung up on attempting to perfect a task.

It's better to complete the task and move it off your plate; if need be, you can always come back and adjust or improve it later.


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Be proactive, not reactive

Set aside time for responding to emails, but don't let them determine what your day is going to look like.

Have a plan of attack at the start of each day, and then do your best to stick to it.


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Turn off notifications

Turn off notifications

No one can be expected to resist the allure of an email, voicemail, or text notification. 

During work hours, turn off your notifications, and instead, build in time to check email and messages. 


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Work in 90-minute intervals

Researchers at Florida State University have found elite performers (athletes, chess players, musicians, etc.) who work in intervals of no more than 90 minutes are more productive than those who work 90 minutes-plus. 

They also found that top-performing subjects tend to work no more than 4.5 hours per day


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Look at something nice

Look at something nice

Outfitting an office with aesthetically pleasing elements --like plants-- can increase productivity by up to 15 percent.

Jazz up your office space with pictures, candles, flowers, or anything else that puts a smile on your face.


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Minimize interruptions

Brief interruptions appear to produce a change in work pattern and a corresponding drop in productivity. 

Minimizing interruptions may mean setting office hours, keeping your door closed, or working from home for time-sensitive projects.


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Use Your “Magic Hours” Wisely

Use Your “Magic Hours” Wisely

You have 2-2.5 hours of peak productivity every day. You may actually be 30% more effective at that time. For most of us, this happens in the morning.

Those are the hours when you should be working on your main goals. Why would you want to waste that on a conference call or a staff meeting?


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Use “Positive Procrastination”

Use “Positive Procrastination”

If you know you can’t do that scary thing right now, do not turn to social media or video games. 

Tell yourself it’s okay to avoid it — as long as you’re doing the #2 thing on your to-do list.


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Being Busy

Being Busy

Many people stay busy because that's the norm for them, and they cannot imagine themselves sitting idly. To avoid the busyness trap:

  • Focus on just doing three important things each day
  • Have a one-hour electronic blackout period
  • Recognize your “bias for action.”
  • Say no to things that do not advance your goals.
  • Have a morning routine where you take time to reflect on how you will organize the day.


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Productive habits

Highly productive professionals share the same clusters of habits:

  • They plan their work based on their top priorities and then acted with a definite objective
  • They develop effective techniques for managing a high volume of information and tasks
  • They understand the needs of their colleagues, enabling short meetings, responsive communications, and clear directions.


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Age and productivity

Age and seniority highly correlate with personal productivity.

Habits of seniors include:

  • Developing routines for low-value activities.
  • Managing message flow
  • Running effective meetings
  • Delegating tasks


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Productive vs Efficient

Productive vs Efficient

  • Productivity measures how much you do or produce within a given timeframe.
  • Efficiency is about being productive with less effort.

To be more productive in a way that won't burn you out over time, you have to understand how to be more efficient. Productivity often leads to working harder, while efficiency focuses on working smarter.


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Becoming More Efficient

Set goals that go beyond simple quantity measures. Find other ways to work smarter that could lead to significant productivity increases.

It is better to do less and accomplish more than to do more and accomplish less. Consider how you do every task during the day, regardless of the size.


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Measuring Employee Productivity

Measuring Employee Productivity

Fixing employee productivity in the industrial age, when most workers were handling machinery and it’s parts, was a tedious but doable process. The managers had to fix the people who were making mistakes or were inefficient through systematic management.

Today, in the age of software and intellectual property, when half of the workforce is made up of knowledge workers, the old practices are of no use.


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The Old Productivity Formula

The basic productivity formula(productivity= output divided by input) worked well in the industrial age as the output and input were clearly defined and measurable.

Today’s leaders need innovative solutions to measure and improve productivity in a knowledge-based workplace, as the measurement of output and input is not what it was.


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Moving abroad as a productivity hack

Moving abroad as a productivity hack

When most people want to improve their productivity, they make small changes, like creating a daily schedule or waking up early. However, you can also increase your productivity by moving abroad.

Moving to a country with a less expensive cost of living can enable you to work less, thereby devoting your spare time to other projects.


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The first thing you do in the morning

The first hour is the most important part of your day. It impacts your mindset by setting the tone for the rest of the day. A routine designed around your goals will always trump one that is based on habits you haven't thought about.

  • What is the first thing you do in the morning? Write it down. Be as detailed as possible: getting up, brushing your teeth... until you sit down at your desk.
  • What could be improved?
  • Do you have any bad habits you want to better manage?


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Become more productive than ever with these ideas !

  • Procrastinating on tasks—both small, nagging ones and large, challenging ones
  • Boring work that needs just to get done
  • Responding to email and other messages while working
  • Staying motivated and energized throughout the entire work day
  • Focusing and finishing the most important projects on their plates
  1. Focus on most important tasks first
  2. Cultivate deep work
  3. Keep a distraction list to stay focused
  4. Use the Eisenhower Matrix to identify long-term priorities
  5. Use the 80/20 rule
  6. Break tasks into smaller pieces
  7. Take breaks
  8. Make fewer decisions
  9. Eliminate inefficient communication
  10. Find repeatable shortcuts
  11. Learn from successes as well as mistakes
  12. Plan for when things go wrong
  13. Work before you get motivated or inspired
  14. Don’t multitask
  15. Fill the tank — recharge
  16. Sharpen the axe
  17. Manage your energy (not just time)
  18. Get better at saying “no”

Laura Earnest of Whole Life Productivity  had this to say on the importance of prioritization as a productivity habit:

“Let me say that I distinguish between efficient and effective, but that both are needed for peak productivity. Efficient is doing things right and effective is doing the right things. So the most productive people work on the high value tasks, making sure that how they are doing those tasks is the best way.


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Productive Things To Do During Your Work Time

Productive Things To Do During Your Work Time

  1. Work smart. Take on the most difficult, challenging, and important tasks first;
  2. Set goals. Several studies suggest that having a concrete plan boosts confidence and feelings of control. Your goals should be specific and achievable;
  3. Play your favorite jams, over and over. According to psychologist Elizabeth Hellmuth Margulis’s book, On Repeat: How Music Plays the Mind, listening to music on repeat drastically improves focus and productivity.
  4. Clean your workspace. A Princeton University study concluded that cluttered workspaces create more distractions and decrease productivity levels.
  5. Time yourself. To make the most of your to-do list, you should time yourself and track your progress.
  6. Avoid multi-tasking . A Stanford University study  found that multitasking is less productive than doing one thing at a time.
  7. Be good at saying “No.” According to a recent study from the University of California in San Francisco , people who have trouble saying “no,” also experience more stress, burnout, and depression. By saying “no” to a new commitment, you will have the time and energy to focus on your existing commitments.


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The Way We Apply Motivation & Consistency Determines Our Productivity

The Way We Apply Motivation & Consistency Determines Our Productivity

  1. When it comes to productivity, personal motivation and consistency are fundamental, however, working 40+ hours every week isn’t the best use of your time.
  2. On the contrary, it’s the way we apply motivation and consistency that determines our productivity.


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Productivity Diet

Productivity Diet

  1. What we eat has a direct impact on our performance at work. Want your mind (and your body) to perform optimally? Then you’ll need to practice good nutrition.
  2. When it comes to nourishing our bodies and brains for optimal performance, it turns out good nutrition involves both what we eat and when we eat it.
  3. For example, our brains work best with about 25 grams of glucose circulating in our blood stream — about the amount found in a banana.
  4. If we were to snack on something high in sugar, like a handful of M&Ms, then we risk a blood sugar spike followed by a crash.


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If you had a unproductive day then you probably procrastinate the next day so any hacks to have a productive day without distraction, here are 10 hacks for a productive day


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1. Airplane mode

1. Airplane mode

There is nothing better than the good ol’ “minimise distractions, maximise productivity” rule. Put your phone on airplane mode and turn off your email notifications on your laptop when you’re studying. The constant buzzing of social media and news pulls us out of our concentration, making it harder to be efficient.


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2. Keep a schedule rather than a to-do list

2. Keep a schedule rather than a to-do list

They say always tackle the most difficult task first, and while that statement makes plenty of sense, it might at times hinder your productivity. Remember that time you spent an entire day on that one killer tutorial when you could have tackled three simpler ones? Yup, we’ve all been there. Beyond allocating your tasks to do, why not allocate the amount of time you have instead? This way, you can tackle more tasks in a reasonable time, without feeing burnt out.


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3. Keep a smart task list

3. Keep a smart task list

And while we’re on the subject of making lists, there is a whole plethora of productivity apps and project trackers in the market today to help us allocate our time better. Use them wisely. Where apps such as Evernote keep everything from shopping lists to lecture notes, others such as Asana are perfect for group work with their prompts on due dates, colour coded projects and lists of subtasks. Not to mention the highly underrated joy of checking numerous items off your task list.


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5. Find your “golden hours” and stick to it

5. Find your “golden hours” and stick to it

Some of us prefer to start our days bright and early, others prefer to burn the midnight oil. These times where your motivation is at its highest is called the “golden hours”. Find your “golden hours” and use it to get the most work done. This “golden hour” rule also applies to the workforce. While we may not get to choose what time we come in and leave office, we can make use of our most ideal surroundings to recalibrate our “golden hours”. It could be the calm of the morning before your coworkers arrive, or midday when everyone is in the thick of the momentum.


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8. Learn to say “no”

8. Learn to say “no”

Saying “no” may sometimes make one appear selfish, but what you’re actually doing instead is saying “yes” to yourself. Helping others is great, but not when you end up causing more stress for yourself. If your plate is already full, learn to say “no” when your groupmate asks you to pull more than your allotted weight in a project. It’s better to do one job well, than to do multiple jobs badly.


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9. Stay focused

9. Stay focused

Trying to achieve multiple tasks at one time may feel like we’re accomplishing plenty when we’re busy, like trying to read your lecture notes while catching up with the news on TV. But what we’re actually doing is switch-tasking instead—going from one task to another in rapid succession. You often realise you have ended the day having accomplished and retained nothing at all.


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There’s something more powerful than a cup of coffee and that’s a good night’s rest. While young people may be known to stay up till unearthly hours of the morning, getting a good night’s rest goes a long way to ensuring you’re more productive throughout the entire day. If you’re already clocking enough hours of shut eye yet still wake up groggy and tired, check your sleep area. Is the light from the street shining into your room? Are your neighbours too noisy? Take measures to ensure that you don’t just clock enough hours of sleep but also have a comfortable sleeping environment.


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Choosing a productivity system

Choosing a productivity system

Many people try to find the perfect productivity system, hoping that it will help them better manage their work and mental health. However, there is no universal productivity system. For example, a remote worker may need a different approach to someone commuting to work.

Everyone should intentionally design a system based on their needs by using existing systems and adding personal touches.


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Getting Things Done (GTD)

GTD was created by David Allen and is about taking your ideas, tasks and to-dos and organise them into manageable tasks.

How to deal with tasks:

  • Write down anything that's on your mind, like a brain dump.
  • Break it down into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Organise your tasks based on priority.
  • Reflect and refine your task.
  • Do the tasks.


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Time Blocking Technique

Time blocking helps to set aside chunks of time for specific goals. It can be used with other productivity systems.

To use it, just block off time in your existing calendar.


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The Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix

Sometimes, we are unsure how to handle a lengthy task list.

The Eisenhower Matrix help you prioritise your tasks based on the following:

  • Urgent and Important tasks. Do the task now.
  • Important but not urgent tasks. Schedule when you must do it. 
  • Urgent but not important tasks. Delegate these tasks.
  • Neither urgent nor important. Delete these tasks.


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The Moscow Method

In the Moscow Method, you list all your tasks, then categorise them as follows:

  • Must. These tasks are not negotiable and must be done today.
  • Should. These tasks are important but can wait for later.
  • Could. These tasks are not urgent and can be done when you don't feel very productive.
  • Won't. These tasks must be deleted from your to-do list.


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The Kanban Method

Projects can be managed with a Kanban board. Make three columns, To Do, Doing, and Done. Then split your tasks between them.

  • To Do. Writing your tasks in this column makes them visible.
  • Doing. Limit your work in progress to three items.
  • Done. Write your completed tasks in this column for reviewing and improving the process.


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Don't Break the Chain

Don't Break the Chain

This method was popularised by Jerry Seinfeld, who would write a joke every day. This method is about marking an X in your calendar over each day that you achieved your goal.

This method works well to create new habits.


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Auditing your tasks

Auditing your tasks

Go through the list of tasks and ask yourself:

  • Are these tasks collaborative or solo? The answer will impact how much freedom you have when building your productivity system.
  • Differentiate between short and long-term goals as some productivity methods are better suited to one type of goal.
  • Consider if the tasks are structured or unstructured. It will influence which type of system to use.


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Characteristics of the ideal productivity system

  • It's sustainable. How do you feel after a day using the system? The system should help you, not burden you.
  • It works for short-term and long-term goals. Your productivity system is a toolbox that should contain tools that work for both timelines.
  • It works for structured and unstructured work.
  • It helps to manage your mental health, taking breaks and time away into account.
  • It makes space for regular reviews where you can reflect on work done and tweak your processes.


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What is Productivity?

Let's define productivity. Productivity is a measure of efficiency of a person completing a task. We often assume that productivity means getting more things done each day. Wrong. Productivity is getting important things done consistently. And no matter what you are working on, there are only a few things that are truly important.

Being productive is about maintaining a steady, average speed on a few things, not maximum speed on everything.


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How To Be Productive: Step 1: Manage your energy, not your time

If you take a moment to think about it, you’ll probably realize that you are better at doing certain tasks at certain times. What type of energy do you have in the morning? Afternoon? Evening? Determine what tasks each energy level and time of day are best suited for.


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Step 4: Turn your phone off and leave it in another room

Or on your colleague's desk. Or at the very least, put it somewhere that is out of sight. This eliminates the urge to check text messages, Facebook, Twitter, and so on. This simple strategy eliminates the likelihood of slipping into half–work where you waste time dividing your attention among meaningless tasks.


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How To Be Productive: Step 5: Work in a cool place.

Have you ever noticed how you feel groggy and sluggish in a hot room? Turning the temperature down or moving to a cooler place is an easy way to focus your mind and body. (Hat tip to Michael Hyatt for this one.)


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It's Okay To Say NO - You'd Be Surprised Its A Productivity Hack

It's Okay To Say NO - You'd Be Surprised Its A Productivity Hack

The ultimate productivity hack is saying no.

Not doing something will always be faster than doing it. This statement reminds me of the old computer programming saying, “Remember that there is no code faster than no code.”

The same philosophy applies in other areas of life. For example, there is no meeting that goes faster than not having a meeting at all.

This is not to say you should never attend another meeting, but the truth is that we say yes to many things we don't actually want to do. There are many meetings held that don't need to be held.


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Best Productivity Hacks

Best Productivity Hacks

Below is a list of the major productivity hacks and their effectiveness as per the Productivity Youtuber Ali Abdaal.

Life Changing

  • Having Systems instead of Goals
  • Daily Highlight a Key Task  
  • Consuming Content at 2x/ 3x Speed
  • Enjoying the Journey


  • Delegating - When the per hour rate for a task is lower than yours
  • Timeblocking - Blocks in calendar 


  • 5 Minute Rule - do something for 5 minutes to create the inertia

Nice to have

  • Pomodoro Technique
  • Batching
  • To-do lists
  • Deadlines
  • Goals

Works for others, Not for me

  • Eisenhower Matrix
  • 2 min rule
  • 2 day rule
  • Colour Coding - Calendar


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Identify Your Top 3 Daily Targets

One of the simplest but most effective habits to increase your productivity is to identify your top 3 targets for the day. When you clearly identify your priorities, your entire day will be much more focused and purposeful.

So, before the workday begins, take one minute and ask yourself the following question:

Which 3 things, if achieved today, get me a big step closer to reaching my long-term goals?


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Use The Morning For Making

One of my most productive rules is that the morning is for making, and the afternoon is for managing . In the morning, I do my writing, work on my courses, and perform other ‘making-type’ tasks that require my maximum performance.


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1. Eat the frog

Productivity experts like Brian Tracy advise that you do your most demanding task first thing in the morning (eat a frog).

Ignore emails, eat breakfast, meditate… Whatever you decide to do, ensure you have a solid morning routine which sets you up for a productive day.


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2. Stop multitasking

Our brains aren’t built for multitasking so stop doing it — it’s counterproductive and a productivity killer.

You can start increasing your productivity today simply by focusing on one task at a time and giving it your all before moving onto the next task.


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4. Take regular breaks

Surprisingly, scheduling regular breaks can improve your productivity.

Studies show that if you’re working on a long task without taking a break then your performance will suffer.

A study by DeskTime found that the top 10% of productive workers worked an average of 52 minutes before taking a 17-minute break.

So, try taking short breaks and you should see an improvement in your concentration levels.


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10 Ways to Increase Your Productivity in the Workplace