100+ Facts About Parenting & Child Care Tips for different Styles
The internet is already filled to the brim with parenting facts, tips, advice, and courses that teach you how to master minute details about being a parent. Often it's a very lucrative business that capitalizes on this parenting frenzy. No one really has enough time to research the good aspects from all these great and average parenting resources. Our community of Curators and people with a genuine passion about researching child care tips, parenting facts, healthy and positive parenting attitude and alike, write down core ideas that they've found interesting and boil them down to flashcard-like ideas for you to flick through in minutes!
Explore over 2000 Idea Cards with Parenting Facts and Tips - all curated by our community
All these in the perfect form factor, idea cards with proven tips and wisdom from a community of experienced caregivers, educators, and psychologists. From positive parenting tips to handling different parenting styles, these idea cards shed light on the science and art of child-rearing. Whether you're curious about the effects of authoritative or permissive parenting, or seeking guidance on healthy parenting practices, Deepstash brings you evidence-based insights and heartwarming anecdotes to support your parenting journey. A wealth of knowledge on child care tips, best parenting practices, and fascinating parenting styles facts. Learn about the unique approaches of penguin, tiger, and dolphin parenting, and discover the impact of helicopter parenting on child development. Each idea card combines scientific facts about parenting with practical advice, from managing toddler tantrums to fostering teenage independence.
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The deep wounds and scars that run in the family make people prone to various health conditions due to stress.
Chronic conditions like headaches and strokes are diagnosed due to a family's emotional climate.
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Many American parents believe that their choices carve out their children’s futures. They seek expert advice to attempt to raise the happiest, most successful, and most well-adjusted leaders of tomorrow.
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In Japan and Norway, parents are focused on cultivating independence.
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Parents' frame of mind impacts their children. Parents should not blame themselves when their children struggle.
Since parents lead by example, treating themselves with compassion and without judgment can help their children to do the same.
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Most parents believe it is a top priority to instill kindness in their children.
However, in one study, nearly 80% of children surveyed said their parents taught them that personal happiness and high achievement were more important than caring for other people.
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Children learn to act kindly the same way they learn anything else - with practice.
Give them daily opportunities to practice kindness, such as helping another child.
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Children need to learn to focus on individuals and truly listen to them.
They also need to learn to see the bigger picture by putting human experience in context.
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Few parents are willing to admit that they might be part of the children's moral state.
Parents need to understand what values they are instilling in their children by being aware of their own actions.
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When children witness a parent in a state of anxiety, they can become unsettled, because they take information about how to interpret situations from the parent.
If you notice your child shows anxious behaviors, don't punish yourself for it. Implement strategies to help ensure you do not pass your anxiety on to your kids.
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A big part of treatment for children with anxiety is to teach parents stress tolerance.
A mental health professional can help you work through methods of stress management for your specific needs.
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You might learn strategies in therapy that you can impart to your child when she is feeling anxious.
Try to maintain a calm, neutral demeanor in front of your child, even if you are still trying to manage your anxiety. Children are quick to read facial expressions.
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It's okay not to suppress your emotions constantly. Your children need to see how you cope with stress every now and then. Explain to your children why you behaved the way you did.
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Come up with ways to manage specific situations that trigger your stress. You may even speak to your child about it, but don't put the responsibility on your child to manage your anxiety. However, seeing you implement a plan to curb an anxious moment shows him how stress can be managed.
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If you know that a situation might cause you to stress, plan ahead to disengage from that situation so your children will not interpret it as unsafe.
If you feel you are becoming overwhelmed with anxiety in the presence of your child, try and take a break.
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Due to the lockdown, most day-care centres, workplaces and schools are now closed. This has parents grappling with kids using technology at home, consuming media all day.
A few tips that can help make the most of the screen time for kids who are now nested at home:
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Don’t just hand over the remote to the kids. Help them choose the right content that is educational, informative, and interesting enough for them to engage in for hours. There are various learning apps that can help them learn subjects, like Sesame Street, Bedtime Math and many others. Resources like Common Sense Media have plenty of content and activities related to healthy living, eating, and scientific fun facts. It helps to gauge your kids interest first and then choose the right media.
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While they are engaged in the media, stay with your kids(as much as possible), guide them, help them understand and form connections. Kids would have plenty of questions and providing them timely answers with examples makes the whole exercise fruitful and strengthens your bond with them.
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Various studies conducted in the U.S. population indicate growing anxiety towards a possibly grim future. Political turmoil, gun violence, global plagues, changing power structure and a widening rich-poor divide make us believe in a future that is more stressful and complicated than the present.
Our children are the most vulnerable. Depression cases among the young are climbing since the 90s. Suicidal cases among 10 to 24-year-olds have risen 56 per cent from 2007 to 2017.
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Across age groups, social media is potentially hazardous, with its tendency to amplify the social divide.
There is a strong relationship between anxiety/depression and the use of smartphones, particularly social media usage among kids, though the data also seem to show the positive effects of staying connected with their peers. Online distractions also make youngsters give up their offline life, leading to isolation and further depression.
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Studies show that anxiety and phobias among children start at age four, and by age eleven, a child can have many anxiety and related disorders. Introverts tend to suffer a lot more, becoming deeply scarred with the hurdles and humiliations of life. This is due to a competitive environment, compounded by the rising cost of living and peer pressure to be successful.
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.. works as a treatment for anxiety, using ‘cognitive reconstructing’ in young adults(when they are motivated to cooperate), with a 60 per cent success rate, but the benefit isn’t long term if the treatment is stopped.
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A study showed that children put in day-care, being away from their parents, and interacting with kids their own age, opened up and were psychologically healthier than those who were always with their parents.
Not surprisingly, it is the parents’ adverse reactions and anxiety attacks in response to their children’s behaviour, which is compounding the problem. The ones who are able to endure their children’s discomfort, and not go hyper, become resilient and cope well in the long run.
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Estranged relationships are common in families, with feuds being especially brutal among siblings. There have been stories throughout history, from Cleopatra to Genghis Khan, of the unheard of ruthlessness by which family members with whom there is a clash have been disposed of.
Various modern studies show a sizable percentage of families are fractured, with estranged family members and disputes going on for at least four years. An estimate shows that as much as 20 percent of American adults are in a state of ‘estrangement’ among their family members.
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Admittedly, many family situations are dangerous and abusive. If a situation in an estranged relationship is not entirely intractable, one can try reconciliation, which can help in healing, growth, exploration and change.
If it's possible, resist the urge to recreate the past and build a new future. Try to find common ground, be in the present moment, and move ahead from there.
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While faced with a young adult who has walked away from your life, understand that you may be a problem, and the adult child has to be seen with empathy and understanding.
The formative years are bound to be problematic and it is in the nature of young adults to commit certain mistakes, which becomes a part of their personal growth. There is no need to ridicule them for their mistakes.
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A simple sorry and an acceptance of your not being able to realize your actions, your prejudice and your own blindspots may help them move towards reconciliation. Do not use any toxic words or actions that can easily backfire.
Often the aggrieved young adult does not want a specific apology about a particular mistake, but is generally aggrieved about their entire childhood, or how their parents related to them. An apology then becomes a first step towards making tangible, impactful change.
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Homeschooling is a progressive movement around the world where parents educate their own children at home.
The homeschooling movement began in the 1970s when researchers and authors such as John Holt and Dorothy and Raymond Moore started writing about educational reform. They promoted homeschooling as an alternative educational option.
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The educational philosophy a homeschooling family chooses will influence their daily structure.
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Homeschooling provides a natural setting where parents can instruct in a way that matches the child's unique interests, ability, and learning style.
There is a wide variety of available curricula and resources. Subjects typically taught include the standard disciples followed in a traditional school and include subjects that capitalize on the child's interests. Homeschooling families often combine certain subjects that are not grade- or age-specific, such as history, literature, and the arts.
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One advantage of homeschooling is that students can progress at their own pace. Children can be ahead in certain subjects but behind in others.
A study done by the National Home Education Research Institute found that homeschoolers had an average standardized test score in the 87th percentile, compared to the average score in the 50th percentile of children in the public schools.
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If we're not careful, this can become our primary goal. We may find ourselves joining all those people around us who prize docility in children and value short-term obedience above all.
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I realized that this is what many people in our society seem to want most from children: not that they are caring or creative or curious, but simply that they are well behaved. A "good" child---from infancy to adolesence---is one who isn't too much trouble to us grown-ups.
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There's a big difference, after all, between a child who does something because he or she believes it's the right thing to do and one who does it out of a sense of compulsion. Ensuring that children internalize our values isn't the same thing as helping them to develop their own. And it's diametrically opposed to the goal of having kids become independent thinkers.
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We can love our children in different ways. The book looks at one such distinction---between loving kids for what they do and loving them for who they are.
The first is conditional, which means it must be earned by the children through acting in ways we deem appropriate, or by performing up to our standards.
The second sort of love is unconditional: It is given either way and is not based on whether they are successful or well behaved or anything else.
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Conditional parenting is mainly rooted in the school of thought known as behaviorism, commonly associated with the late B. F. Skinner. Here, external forces, such as what someone has previously been rewarded or punished for doing, account for how we act.
Unconditional parenting assumes that behaviors are just the outward expression of feelings and thoughts, needs and intentions. In a nutshell, it's the child who engages in a behavior, not just the behavior itself, that matters.
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But unconditional parenting insists that the family ought to be a haven, a refuge, from such transactions. In particular, love from one's parents does not have to be paid for in any sense. It is purely and simply a gift. It is something to which all children are entitled.
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Conditional parenting:
Unconditional parenting:
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Your parenting style determines who your child will become. The way you interact with and discipline them, will be the influence they carry with them, now and into adulthood.
Researchers have identified four types of parenting styles:
Each one takes a different approach to raising kids and can be identified by various characteristics.
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These parents believe kids should follow the rules without exception, or suffer the consequences. Their focus is on obedience, so there’s no place for negotiating. They use punishment over discipline.
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These parents acknowledge their child’s feelings, while also making it clear that the adults are ultimately in charge.
They invest time and energy into preventing behavior problems before they start and use positive discipline strategies to reinforce good behavior.
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These parents are lenient, only stepping in if there's a serious problem. When consequences are used, they don’t usually stick.
They take on more of a friend role than a parent. They encourage their children to talk with them about their problems, but they don't put much effort into discouraging poor choices or bad behavior.
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These parents tend to have little knowledge of what their children are doing. There are few rules. Children may not receive much guidance, nurturing, or attention.
They expect children to raise themselves, and don't put much time or energy into meeting children's basic needs. Uninvolved parents may be neglectful, but it's not always intentional.
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In reality, parents just don’t fit into one specific category. Situations rise where you may need to change your style, and that’s okay.
The studies are clear, however, that authoritative parenting is the best style.
With hard work and dedication to being the best parent you can be, you can maintain a healthy and positive relationship with your child while still establishing your authority.
Over time, your family will reap the benefits of a more authoritative style.
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In Dr Haim Ginott's book Parents & Teenagers, teenagers used helicopter parenting to describe how their parents hovered over them like helicopters.
Helicopter parenting refers to a type of parents who are overly focused on their children. They usually take excessive responsibility for their children's experiences, specifically their successes or failures.
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Helicopter parents may be involved in a child's life that is over-managing and overprotecting.
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Many helicopter parents have good intentions, but when parenting is governed by fear, it's hard to see all the things kids can learn without help.
Failure and difficulties teach kids new skills. However, when we overprotect children,
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As parents, we have to look at our children now and how they should be as adults. Getting them from children to adulthood involves suffering for both child and parent.
This means allowing children to struggle.
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There are many parenting styles that are part of a parent's toolbox, such as free-range, helicopter, authoritarian, snowplough, tiger style.
Each style uses a different tactic to raise children. However, parents seldom only use one tool when raising their children. More often, they use every tool at their disposal to get through.
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Helicopter parenting is about being very involved in your children's lives.
However, overzealous helicopter patenting is when parents interfere with teachers or extracurricular activities and demand that their children are treated in a certain way. The overzealous version can be kept in line by checking in with friends first before flattening everything in your path.
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If you’re living with an authoritarian parent or if you still must deal with one, what can help? From my primary research with victims of authoritarian wounding at the hands of family members, nothing works perfectly. But the following 10 strategies can help.
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Spending time with family especially face-to-face communication, as opposed to digitalsignificantly reduces the occurrence of depression, anxiety, and other mental illness. Being physically present with loved ones creates a strong emotional support to buoy you up through life’s challenges.
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On average, kids who are spending time with family, tend to do better in school. They learn communication skills and the importance of education. When needed, assisting with assignments or new concepts reinforces the fact that their success is important to you. Even just asking about their day and what they’re learning will show your children how much you care.
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Children who are spending time with their family have shown less risk of behavioral issues, such as violence and substance abuse. When they receive positive attention for positive behaviors, it increases their desire to continue those healthy patterns.
Family is so important when it comes to a child (or teenager) bringing problems to you, because your advice can allow them to become better equipped to cope with problems and make positive choices.
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Spending time with family builds confidence for all of its members. Parents can teach children to build self-esteem through specific skills such as problem solving and communication. They can also model the ability to love oneself without degrading others. For parents and children, confidence grows simply with the knowledge that they are valued and appreciated by their loved ones.
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The memories you create together will instill in children a desire to foster that same loving atmosphere in their own future homes. Family is so important because, through your example, your kids learn important caregiving skills that they can use one day. They may even practice now by copying your behaviors when they interact with siblings.
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Being with family is fun, but it can be difficult, too. When conflicts arise, you can’t just walk away for good. You’re in this together, so you have to work together to solve the issues that come up. Spending time with family teaches interpersonal communication skills including healthy, constructive ways to discuss, debate, and solve problems.
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Those with strong family healthy relationships tend to seek out healthier coping mechanisms for stress—such as confiding in friends and family—instead of other unhealthy outlets. This establishes a habit of talking through problems together to relieve stress and find effective solutions.
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Your ability to face life’s changes and challenges is greatly improved by a strong family bond. Being with family gives you the feeling of knowing that you belong, you are cared for, and you are needed, which gives a sense of meaning and purpose. This assurance gives motivation to push forward, grow, and succeed.
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With the right kind of activities, spending time with family can positively impact physical well-being. For instance, families who eat home-cooked meals together tend to have a better diet than those who don’t. Participating in outdoor activities like sports games, hikes, or gardening together helps to improve fitness. It improves heart, brain, hormonal, and immune health. Being with family can also encourage one another to maintain healthy lifestyles.
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Healthy relationships could increase your lifespan up to 50%. Combine all the physical and mental health benefits discussed above, and you can see why family time has been linked to living a longer, healthier, happier life. Even those with unhealthy physical habits, but a strong social network live longer than those without these relationships.
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This is the emotional stress parents impose upon their children and is often related to academic performance, extracurricular activities, social standards, appearance, friendships, and romantic relationships.
Certain parenting experiences might prompt you to pressure your kids to make different choices, such as when:
You may feel that your own choices could make their lives easier, more successful, or earn you the admira
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There are two main forms of parental pressure: direct pressure and indirect pressure.
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Excessive or inappropriate parental pressure carries many mental health consequences for kids as they grow up.
Studies suggest that children who grow up with parents who yelled, shouted, or verbally humiliated them may have a greater likelihood of experiencing challenges such as:
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Parents might feel the need to pressure their children for many reasons.
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Criticism drawing attention to your child’s mistakes or behaviors that bother you can cause your child’s defenses to go up, perpetuating what originally sparked the criticism.
Instead, try praising your child for what they do well. Studies recommend working your way up to offering four times more praise than criticism.
Parenting with praise may boost your child’s confidence and improve your child’s academic performance, reinforcing their belief that they can do the work and be successful at it.
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You might be tempted to intervene in your child’s life out of a sense of duty or control, such as:
But if you help make your child feel capable, they’ll be more motivated to solve problems in the future. Consider talking with your child about solutions to their problems without attempting to solve them yourself.
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Authoritative parenting — rather than authoritarian parenting — is tied to high self-esteem in children. When parents are overly controlling, children can lose faith in themselves and their ability to do things or listen to their own feelings.
Instead of telling your child that it’s your way or the highway, try setting house rules with their input and enforce them consistently.
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It’s easy to assume that your child is a smaller extension of you who feels the same way you do about the same things.
But when you give credence to your child’s feelings instead of seeking to control them — even when they’re not the same as yours — you acknowledge that they’re their own person.
Validating your child’s feelings and keeping communication about emotions open and honest can help your child learn to trust their gut in life
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#1. Put your children first
#2. Accept different parenting styles
#3. Be calm and focus on connection
#4. Keep to regular routines within families
#5. Develop a Co-Parenting Plan
#6. Be open and flexible
#7. When your co-parent won’t be flexible
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During separation, children may experience big and challenging feelings such as grief, anger, frustration, isolation, and loneliness. It's important to acknowledge their emotions and be there for them.
Support and stay in contact with your co-parent, to ensure your children feel safe. If your child can't stay overnight with the other parent, think of alternative ways for them to bond.
Putting the children's needs first is key.
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It's important to talk to your children about different parenting styles and household rules, respecting that each is okay as long as the child is safe.
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Be a positive role model for your children. Show them how to handle change and unexpected events by staying calm and composed, even when things don't go according to plan.
Encourage connection with their other parent by having photos, phone calls, and responding positively to their stories. Your children are watching and taking cues from you, so lead by example and focus on connecting with them when they are with you.