100+ Facts About Technology - Fun & Cutting-Edge Tech Insights - Deepstash

100+ Facts About Technology - Explore Cutting-Edge facts about Tech

Our platform is a treasure trove of technology facts, curated by tech enthusiasts and experts who delve into the history, impact, and future of technology. These idea cards, ranging from interesting facts about technology to mind-blowing insights into information technology, are designed to enlighten and inspire. Whether you’re a student, educator, or tech aficionado, Deepstash brings the fascinating world of technology to your fingertips.

Explore a Large Collection of over 7000 Unique Idea Cards with Facts About Technology

Deepstash demystifies the complex world of technology, offering an array of facts about technology in education, technology facts for students, and fun tech facts that both inform and entertain. Dive into the evolution of technology, understand the implications of technology use, and uncover the positive and negative facts about technology. Each idea card invites you to learn something new, challenging you to think about technology’s role in society and its potential to shape our future.

Flick through our Idea Cards on Technology Facts and Discoveries That Shape Our World

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On technology

“It seems like everything that we see perceived in the brain before we actually use our own eyes, that everything we see is coming through computers or machines and then is being input in our brain cells. So that really worries me.”

“Do everything by hand, even when using the computer."


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How Does Technology Impact Social Hierarchies?

How Does Technology Impact Social Hierarchies?

It’s basically a battle between top-down hierarchy and lateral network building, 

The way that power has been exercised in our society through these decades of mass systems has been about people in conference rooms arguing with each other over control of these mass mechanisms. They argue over ad campaigns, new car models, presidential nominees, etc.

With the arrival of the internet, anybody could build anything they want, put out any information and organize any movement; it was fundamentally disruptive. It’s lateral peer-to-peer, and there is no central node


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When technology bites back

In many ways, technology improves and enriches our lives. Yet, there is a sense that we have lost control of our technology in some ways and end up victims of its unintended consequences.

Author Edward Tenner coined the term "revenge effects" to describe how technologies can solve one problem while creating other worse problems, new types of issues, or shifting the harm elsewhere. In other words, technology bites back.


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Platform Technology: Transactions

At one time, it took 12 clicks to buy something on EBay. In 1997, Amazon introduced 1-Click transactions. They managed to reduce a lot of transaction friction and people gravitated to the site.

How a platform enables smoother and faster transactions is one of the most fundamental ways it can promote customer adoption.


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Learning Technology

Learning Technology

It’s time to rethink the study of technology, exploring its impact on human history and culture

  • Technological innovation shapes human evolution and learning pathways
  • Screens create dynamic possibilities for readers that printed page lacks
  • Educational institutions have long been slow to adopt learning technology
  • Platforms enable organizations to personalize learning via AI and data
  • Content creation is in flux as it undergoes a technology-driven transformation
  • AI is fueled by human curiosity and has the potential to radically change learning
  • The metaverse could create a new, immersive world of learning


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The Tipping Point of Technology

A pessimistic futurologist might suggest that perhaps technology may be coming up on its peak and cannot improve further.

Generations have speculated the next advancements that will be past their times, such as the myth of the flying car. Other very accurate speculations are related to the development of mass media. Recently, cloning has become a reality.


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Habit-forming Technology

Habit-forming Technology

Whether we like it or not, and whether we've noticed it or not, habit-forming technology is already here and many apps are already using it on us through various devices. 

With what they acquire from us, this trinity of access, data, and speed further creates new opportunities for habit-forming technologies to hook a user.


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1908 – Ford produced Model T

1908 – Ford produced Model T

Ford’s Model T was the world’s first car produced by assembly line. This great leap in technology made the car much cheaper and therefore more widely affordable.

Its 20 horsepower petrol engine could reach speeds of 45mph, which was still slower than the galloping horses of the day.


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Persuasive Technology

Digital enhancements like one-click shopping, infinite scrolls, under two-hour deliveries, video recommendation algorithms, are all designed by well-paid experts to make us scroll, click, engage and shop more on their platforms. Our attention is their currency, so they invest a lot in removing friction in areas that are beneficial for them, not us.

Making a digital product or service more addictive is a full-time job of Big Tech, something which is helping downgrade us by scattering our attention and eroding our empathy.


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The Technology Boom

The Technology Boom

Progress within the technological field is constantly speeding up. This growth can be understood through Sigmoid Function Curve of Technology which works as follows.

S curves resemble an S shape where growth is first quite slow, then exponential, and then it slows before reaching another step change, which creates the new S of the exponential rate before slowing again.

It is almost incomprehensible to imagine how much technology speeds up and what will happen next.

Let's see technologies that will enter mainstream in the near future:

  • Self-driving cars
  • VR & AR
  • Additive manufacturing & 3D printing


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15. Technology Is a Terrible Master

For you to stay calm, clearheaded, and capable of performing at your best, you need to detach on a regular basis from the technology and communication devices that can overwhelm you if you are not careful.

Resist the urge to start turning on communication devices as soon as you wake up in the morning


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Considering the bigger system when introducing new technology

When we introduce a new piece of technology, it is wise to consider if we are interfering with a bigger system. If we do, we should reflect on it's wider consequences.

But, if the factors involved get complex enough, we cannot anticipate them with accuracy. Understanding revenge effects is mostly a reminder of the value of caution and not of specific risks.


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Human Tech: The Potential

Human Tech: The Potential

The next wave of digital tech, or “smart tech,” has the potential and power to help us rehumanize work.

Smart tech creates an opportunity to redesign jobs and re-engineer workflows to enable people to focus on the parts of work that humans are particularly well-suited for, such as relationship building, intuitive decision making, empathy, and problem solving. But it will require organizational leaders to make informed, strategic decisions to ensure the technology is used to enhance our humanity and enable people to do the kinds of relational, empathetic, and problem-solving activities.


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Technology Is Not the Enemy

Technology Is Not the Enemy

Technology has enabled us to connect to the world and each other in ways that weren’t previously possible. It can be easily credited with the innovation, communication and longevity we enjoy today. There are plenty of reasons to embrace and celebrate technology.

Being mindful of how much, how often and to what extent we engage with technology is key to living a balanced lifestyle.


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Technology as the Culprit

Technology as the Culprit

Technological breakthroughs have reduced our activity to a great extent ( vacuum cleaners, washer-dryers, self-cleaning ovens, and even cars).

The rise of the internet gave us a whole lot of technology, curbing our need to move even more.


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Technology And Philosophical Challenges

The industrial revolution sparked new and philosophical theories from people like Karl Marx, who tried to seek meaning in a new industrial-labor world. These philosophical revolutions may become more common as technology advances into the unimaginable.

With robotics and artificial intelligence, we may be required to accurately consider what makes us human. Massive industrialization will leave people without work, which leaves humans to consider what they ought to do with themselves.


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Technology controls you

Technology controls you

When your phone is nearby, you may find yourself checking email apps and work notifications mindlessly to check in.

First, recognize where this need to be available may be coming from. Then create boundaries about when you’re available, and share those expectations. Even if you need to be reachable, you can be intentional about how much work you allow to take up your weekend.


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Technology As Leverage

Technology As Leverage

Technology is technique, the way we do things. New technology has its value multiplied by all those who use it. Solving a technical problem that affects many gives you leverage.

Technology changes fast, and small companies are better suited to this pace as they have less bureaucracy to slow them down and are less constrained by convention.


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Practice the technology

Since most interviews are remote now, it's critical to ensure you're adept at using the technology.

Find out beforehand what platform you'll be using and find a friend to test it out with you.


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Expanding blockchain technology

  • Ethereum was the most meaningful of the ICOs (initial coin offering). Many other companies followed, such as NXT Neo, Spectrecoin that were often tied to specific businesses and products.
  • In 2017, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (the money police) announced that financing events for digital currencies would be regarded as securities under some circumstances.
  • But bitcoin left behind its original community of true believers, and in 2017, the price surged more than 1,000 percent.


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Context trumps technology

Context trumps technology

  • When it comes to youth-led social innovation, how much a project is tech dependent is usually related to where the innovator comes from (many communities around the world have little or no access to tech in general).
  • This has a direct impact of the type of innovative solutions a young person will be able to create. This also influences their chances to appear "exciting" in the eyes of possible investors.
  • Low-tech projects can undoubtedly still be mind blowing.


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Marketing, Moral Panic & New Technology; Politics

Marketing, Moral Panic & New Technology; Politics

Throughout history, every new technology has been met with a “moral panic”. These panics often led to predictions of doomsday scenarios.

Examples of past moral panics

  • The Satanic panic of the 1980s, concerns about heavy metal music, fears surrounding comic books in the 1950s, and anxieties over jazz music in the 1920s and 30s.
  • There was even a moral panic triggered by the arrival of bicycles in the 1860s and claims about health issues, such as “bicycle face”.


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What is technology innovation?

What is technology innovation?

Technology innovation refers to the process of developing and introducing new or improved technologies to enhance and improve various aspects of human life. Technology innovation often involves the creation of new products, services, or processes that incorporate the latest scientific and engineering advancements. Technology innovation can occur in many different fields, including healthcare, transportation, communication, entertainment, and education, and can have a significant impact on the economy, society, and the environment.


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#3 Reintroduce Technology

#3 Reintroduce Technology

The final step is reintroducing optional technologies back into your life.

The goal is to start from a blank slate and only let back into your life technology that passes your strict digital standards.

To allow an optional technology back into your life, it must:

  1. Serve something you deeply value (offering some benefit is not enough)
  2. Be the best way to use technology to serve this value (if it's not, replace it with something better)
  3. Have a role in your life that is constrained with a standard operating procedure that specifies when and how you use it


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Apple vs. Google

Apple vs. Google

The differences between Google’s and Apple’s approaches to AI:

  • Google is superior in certain aspects because it can pool data for training AI
  • Apple, on the other hand, values privacy and does not pool data.
  • All of Apple’s AI has to work locally on devices, while Google’s AI can function in the cloud using pooled data


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Chat GPT works well because it’s trained on the entire internet of text:

  • The version used today is trained on data up until September 2021.
  • Most of this data was written by human beings, often under their own names.
  • This data could be articles published in magazines, podcast transcripts, academic papers, etc.
  • The authenticity of these texts can generally be trusted.
  • Fake or parody articles are relatively rare.


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AI Positive Benefits, Medicine, Man & Machine Partnership

AI Positive Benefits, Medicine, Man & Machine Partnership

  • Most people who aren’t informed are afraid of AI.
  • Machines could have better bedside manners than human doctors.
  • AI could help patients stick to their physical therapy or nutritional programs.
  • The AI could be there all the time, infinitely patient, wise, and loving.
  • The ideal scenario would be for both the AI and the human to work together.


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Examples of technology innovation and digital transformation in various industries.

Examples of technology innovation and digital transformation in various industries.

Here are some examples of technology innovation and digital transformation in various industries:

  • Healthcare
  • Finance
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Education
  • Transportation

Overall, technology innovation and digital transformation are driving significant changes in many industries, creating new opportunities to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer experiences.


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History of Computers, Neural Networks, and AI

History of Computers, Neural Networks, and AI

Computers modeled after the human brain have been around since 1943, leading to the concept of neural networks.

  • In computer programs, bugs are always the programmer's fault, not the computer's, as computers have no judgment.
  • When programming self-driving cars, traditional rules-based approaches won't work.

In the last decade, AI technology has significantly improved, particularly in vision recognition. Now, machines are far better at tasks like face recognition compared to humans, which was once thought unlikely.


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Technological innovation shapes human evolution and learning pathways

In France’s Chauvet Cave, you’ll find dangerous predators depicted on the walls, such as panthers and hyenas, which adults used to teach children about hunting. The cave art demonstrates simulated reality’s role in humanity’s learning journey.

“Without understanding evolution and prehistoric learning technologies, we cannot understand teaching and learning.”


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What is 5G?

What is 5G?

5G is the latest generation of wireless technology for mobile networks, offering faster data speeds, lower latency, and increased capacity compared to previous generations. It is designed to support new and emerging applications.

5G networks use a combination of advanced technologies, including high-frequency radio waves, massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) antenna arrays, and network slicing, to provide faster data speeds and lower latency.


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Leverage Technology for Relaxation

Leverage Technology for Relaxation

Utilize different apps that is offering quick guided meditation and mindfulness exercises specifically designed for people with limited time.


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Open Spaces Technology Is Best Served For Complexity

Open Spaces Technology Is Best Served For Complexity

Open Space Technology democratizes group discussions, allowing every voice to be heard and fostering an environment where spontaneous, genuine collaboration can flourish. By emphasizing active participation, self-organization, and adaptability, it addresses complex issues with innovative solutions that traditional, top-down methods might overlook.


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Usefulness of Technology

Usefulness of Technology

Smartphones and the internet haven't provided a sharp increase in productivity, as compared to the other revolutionary inventions like Television, Air-conditioning or Jet Planes.


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How is AI transforming various industries?

How is AI transforming various industries?

AI is transforming various industries in many different ways, including:

  • Healthcare
  • Finance
  • Retail
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation

Overall, AI is transforming many different industries by enabling organizations to automate routine tasks, gain insights from large amounts of data, and make more informed decisions. As AI technology continues to advance, it has the potential to drive further innovation and transformation across many different sectors.


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How is 5G transforming various industries?

How is 5G transforming various industries?

5G is transforming various industries in several ways, including:

  • Healthcare
  • Manufacturing
  • Transportation
  • Entertainment
  • Retail
  • Education

Overall, 5G is transforming various industries by enabling new and innovative applications and services that were not possible before, due to the increased speed, bandwidth, and reliability of the network. This is leading to increased efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness for businesses, as well as improved experiences and services for consumers.


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Technology As A Problem

Don’t rely too much on Technology. Technology can change at anytime it’s not very reliable sometimes so don’t put all your eggs in a basket

An example of this is if you make YouTube videos have a second option ad well in case something happens to YouTube.


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Traps that steal our time

Traps that steal our time

Six traps make us "time poor" with too many things to do and not enough time to do them:

  1. Technology and the interruptions that fragment our time
  2. Money/work focus "I'll work hard now for leisure later" (spoiler: later never comes)
  3. Undervaluing time
  4. Busyness as status
  5. Aversion to idleness
  6. Saying "yes" because we believe there will be more time later


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The Future of Intelligence

The Future of Intelligence

Nowadays most of the success in AI is really machine learning or "narrow" artificial intelligence, not general purpose AI. But while it is easy to dismiss narrow AI and believe in our own superiority, AI that can beat humans at different domains has enormous implications. At one point, instead of training AI, we won't be needed.

Bayesian method states that you can learn any problem as long as you had a starting probability and enough cycles to update the probabilities.

Our Intelligence, as computers and AI is based on error correction and refinement of hypotheses through iterations.


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Who Will Be the Masters?

Who Will Be the Masters?

The future will be ruled by those who hold the keys to AI and technology. Within this race for power we distinguish different actors:

  • Public entities such as governments.
  • Private corporations such as Google and Huawei.

Depending on who holds the power the interests may vary, for some actors privacy is a must and for others it is control.

Information and knowledge have been expanding exponentially as we build on past learnings and as we improve our technology. Soon - perhaps already - that rate of growth will be too fast for our own minds to keep pace. [...] Then who will be the masters?


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Innovation and Unpredictability

Innovation and Unpredictability

Becoming innovative often involves making decisions within an unpredictable world. The future is hard to predict, and many variables come into play, like the fog of war. To prepare, innovators imagine different paths and scenarios.

  • Unpredictability: A key aspect of innovation
  • Pre-Planning: Imagining and preparing for various scenarios
  • Pivot: Adjusting and adapting strategies as situations change

Great innovators consider their plans as hypotheses - firm but open to testing and modifications through the execution process.


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6.Use Technology:

6.Use Technology:

This sounds contradictory to the point before, but if you think of it, you can use technology to beat technology. 

Sometimes, we wake up feeling off even after plenty of sleep. That is because our REM (Rapid Eye Movement) cycle has been disrupted. This is the stage where we dream and get the deepest sleep. We are usually in deep sleep for 70–90 minutes. So, it is best to wake up at the beginning of a REM cycle as we are least in deep sleep at this point.


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The Technological Time Frame

The philosophical futurologist's perspective is that the rate of change for our technology has outpaced anything we could predict in the future.

In the past, the Greeks understood the very basics of chemistry, yet it took 5,000 years after that to develop the basic models of chemistry we now understand. In contrast, with our modern advancements, it took only 70 years from the invention of man-made flight to send humans to the moon and back.


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Technology And Conversations

Technology And Conversations

Your environment affects your personal relationships. Technologies like social media are making conversations harder and less engaging. But getting rid of it isn't necessarily the cure-all for most of our social interactions.

 If you have you've been feeling disconnected you can develop your conversational skills if you persist.


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16. Technology Is a Wonderful Servant

Use your technological tools to regularly remind yourself of what is most important and protect yourself from what is least important.

Resolve to research and install one piece of software or one app that will help you be more efficient and focused.


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Common Big 5 Personality Traits of Innovators

Common Big 5 Personality Traits of Innovators

  • Openness to New Ideas
  • High Conscientiousness
  • High disagreeableness (ornery, not easily dissuaded)
  • High IQ (Ability to synthesize information quickly)
  • Possibly Low Neuroticism (Ability to handle stress)

Innovators' Traits Are Not Deterministic. They need a combination of traits, make choices in life, and have context.


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Hooked To Technology

Hooked To Technology

  • Most of us check email too often, almost like a compulsive disorder. Just like any habit, there are internal cues, triggers and impulses that make us behave in a certain way with no conscious thought.
  • We are using technology as a suppressant to our inner restlessness.
  • Any uncertainty, uncomfortable emotion or situation can act as internal triggers, pushing us towards the bouquet of digital distractions.

A simple acknowledgement of the trigger sensation in our minds can be the first step to be aware and in control of the internal triggers.


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Technology and possibility

You can create the most perfect code in technological existence — but if all it’s used for is to relentlessly demean, bully, assault, torment, pick on, trample, bicker with, shout at people, well, it’s a pretty good sign that people aren’t using it for much of value. And that is a central point. 

When a technology is used to shrink people’s possibilities, more than to expand them, it cannot create value for them. And so people will simply tune it out, ignore it, walk away from it if they can. For the simple fact is that technologies which devalue us do not create value for us.


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How The Technology Works

How The Technology Works

When a firewall checks if data can enter your network, it'll read a message that comes with it called metadata. This will list a string of numbers indicating where the data has come from (known as the source address), where it's going (the 'destination address' aka your PC) and over which port.

Whether the data has permission will all depend on a set of rules known as a protocol. These rules can be set to prevent you — or any other particular user – from uploading certain files to the internet.


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Experience before Technology

Experience before Technology

You’ve got to start with the customer experience and work back toward the technology, not the other way around.

— Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple & user experience guru


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Brief overview of the emerging technologies - AI, Blockchain, 5G, etc.

Brief overview of the emerging technologies - AI, Blockchain, 5G, etc.

There are many emerging technologies that are transforming the world we live in. Here is a brief overview of some of the most impactful ones:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Blockchain
  • 5G
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Quantum Computing

Overall, these emerging technologies are rapidly transforming the world we live in, creating new opportunities and challenges for individuals and organizations alike.


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  1. Technology is major destruction nowadays
  2. Being accessible means that distraction arises more regularly.


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Use Technology

Examples of some tools that can help you focus better at work:

  • Blocking apps can remove temptations by blocking distracting sites such as Facebook or Netflix.
  • Organization and planning apps help you schedule the day in advance and many of them come with reminders too.
  • Apps that dim all windows except the active ones on your computer screen.
  • There are also apps that help you work in short intense bursts of focus.


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Is it alright to be worried about the future of technology?

Is it alright to be worried about the future of technology?

It’s okay and it’s possible. BUT ITS ABSOLUTELY NOT WORTH IT!!!!

Instead of worrying be exited about it!

like the world is improving! We’re moving forward! We’re learning new things!

its gonna be alright! Just remember, if others do something that you may find dumb or stupid it doesn’t mean you also have to do the exact same!


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What Is Web 3.0 Technology?

What Is Web 3.0 Technology?

When was the first website created? 1991, Yes. That’s the correct answer. The Internet has evolved immeasurably since then and now, 70% of the world’s population is here.

Evolution Of Web Technology

  1. Web 1.0
  2. Web 2.0
  3. Web 3.0

Features Of Web 3.0 Technology

  1. Open-source Software
  2. Trustable Network
  3. Permissionless
  4. Connectivity
  5. AI and Machine Learning

Are you interested in developing such a platform? The development of a web platform not only requires technical expertise but also expert assistance. We would like to advise you on the top Web 3.0 Development Company, that is, Technoloader.


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You can't blame technology

While endless scrolling on your phone is a symptom of the problem, it is not the root cause of why you find it hard to focus.

To learn how to focus, you must adopt new skills as well as understand the most common causes of distraction.


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CSR Trend: Green Technology

Gone are the days of rampant resource usage without any accountability or thought toward replenishment. Climate change continues to drive many conversations in the corporate world, and multiple trends in CSR intersect at this topic.

As available natural resources are rapidly depleted and our world reaches a tipping point of a 2-degree rise in average temperature, socially responsible companies are investing in green technologies, reducing their reliance on nonrenewable resources, and looking to more sustainable inputs to do business.


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Reduce or eliminate technology

  • Don't default to Zoom. Set aside blocks of time where you're not available for online meetings.
  • Choose physical over digital. If you brainstorm for an article, write your thoughts on paper. Sketch the initial draft of your big project on a whiteboard.
  • Move as much as possible. In between meetings, take a walk to the kitchen to refill your water or coffee. When you need a quick break, roll your shoulders to get the blood flowing. On a normal phone call, consider walking back and forth.
  • Take tech-free breaks. Eat lunch away from your computer, look out a window, or read a physical book. Consider a post-work outdoor physical activity.


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Double sword technology

Double sword technology

The idea of evaluating how we spend our time is a healthy one, but the discussion usually looks more like an apocalyptic prediction than actual useful advice.

What we tend to leave out is the fact that emerging technologies are a double-edged sword: the internet can both be a mindless distraction and the greatest educational tool of all times. It all revolves around the way you use it.


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Technology Ethics

Technology Ethics


3 ideas


491 reads

What is Technology Ethics?

Technology ethics is the application of ethical thinking to the practical concerns of technology.

The reason technology ethics is growing in prominence is that new technologies give us more power to act, which means that we have to make choices we didn't have to make before. While in the past our actions were involuntarily constrained by our weakness, now, with so much technological power, we have to learn how to be voluntarily constrained by our judgment: our ethics.


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"True ignorance is not the absence of knowledge, it's the refusal to acquire it."



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The impact of AI on the economy and society.

The impact of AI on the economy and society.

AI has the potential to have a significant impact on the economy and society in several ways:

  • Increased productivity
  • Job displacement
  • Improved healthcare
  • Better financial services
  • Enhanced customer experiences
  • Ethical concerns

Overall, the impact of AI on the economy and society will depend on how the technology is developed and deployed. While AI has the potential to bring significant benefits, it is important to ensure that the technology is used in a way that promotes economic growth and social well-being while also addressing the potential negative impacts of automation and job displacement.


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How is Blockchain transforming various industries?

How is Blockchain transforming various industries?

Blockchain has the potential to transform various industries in several ways:

  • Finance
  • Supply chain management
  • Digital identity verification
  • Real estate
  • Healthcare
  • Voting

Overall, blockchain has the potential to transform various industries by providing a secure and transparent way to store and share data, reducing the need for intermediaries, and increasing efficiency and transparency in business processes. However, the technology is still in its early stages of development, and there are challenges to be addressed, such as scalability, interoperability, and regulatory frameworks.


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Technology Means Complementarity

Technology Means Complementarity

The stark differences between man and machine mean that gains from working with computers are much higher than gains from trade with other people

We don’t trade with computers any more than we trade with livestock or lamps.


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Communication And Quantum Technology

Communication And Quantum Technology

The development of communication technologies paved the way for man’s fourth stage of evolution and marked the onset of a new era driven by technology and versatile digital developments. The growth of humanity in computer advancements has led to innovative solutions to our everyday difficulties and has helped us introduce solutions for even the most complex problems. The field of communication is affected the most by these developments.


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Nobody ever shows up at a stock market low.



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Technologies and human relationships

Research has found that people who use different mediums, like talking on the phone, emailing each other and also seeing each other, tend to have stronger relationships with one another.

Even though technology might become more and more invasive, the reality is that the source of happiness will remain unaltered.


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Use technology wisely

Social media outlets are merely tools – ones that can add or detract from your life depending on whether or not you deploy them wisely.

  • Set a certain time limit for using it each day.
  • Filter who you see in your news feed to those you actually care about.
  • Don’t be friends with your ex-girlfriends on Facebook.
  • Don’t engage in a FOMO arms race.


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Use-cases to try

Use-cases to try

This functionality enables some pretty cool use cases you could try:

  • Bookstore bonanza: Stumbled upon an intriguing cover but can't decide? Scan it to get a quick peek at the book's key ideas.
  • Friend's bookshelf brag: Spark a conversation by scanning your friend's bookshelf and discussing the coolest finds.
  • Web wanderer: Spot a captivating cover on Amazon? Scan it with Deepstash to see what the buzz is about.
  • Social media detective: See a book your favorite influencer is raving about? Scan the cover to discover what all the hype is about.

PS: All your scanned books will be collected in stash.


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The Choice Of Technology

The Choice Of Technology

Companies will be making many choices about automation in the next few years. And those decisions will influence how employees, customers, and other stakeholders perceive your company going forward. Should your company choose:

  • Bossware — technology that’s lurking in the background of screens watching employees all day to catch, and presumably punish, anyone taking an unscheduled break?
  • Software like CultureX, which can measure and improve workplace culture so that it’s less toxic, increasing employee work-life balance while decreasing the levels of burnout that lead to turnover?


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Technology and solidarity

While technology may enable us today to stay connected with our friends, families as well as to keep working, it does not bring us the key to solidarity. 

The issue emerges whenever there are long periods of time that require social distancing, as individuals are forced to stay away from their group of friends or families. In order to still remain socially active, one might want to consider becoming more involved in the local community's activities.


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Importance of technology innovation and digital transformation in today's world.

Importance of technology innovation and digital transformation in today's world.

Technology innovation and digital transformation are critical to the growth and success of organizations and individuals in today's world. Here are some reasons why:

  • Increased Efficiency
  • Enhanced Customer Experience
  • Improved Decision-Making
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Economic Growth
  • Social Impact

Overall, technology innovation and digital transformation have the potential to transform organizations and societies, creating new opportunities and improving the quality of life for individuals around the world.


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How To Choose A Technology To Develop

How To Choose A Technology To Develop

Seek to solve the harder problems as they are more valuable and give your company an edge over the competition. It also increases the barrier to entry. That’s how hard it is for another company to duplicate what you’ve done.

If you can develop technology that's simply too hard for competitors to duplicate, you don't need to rely on less effective defenses, like patents.


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The Impact Of Technology

The Impact Of Technology

All technologies have the potential for good and evil, useful and harmful.

The science-fiction depiction of the Metaverse in Ready Player One showed that a virtual world enables your wildest dreams on-demand while the real world decays because the virtual one is so much better.

A survey uncovered some fears of people, such as:

  • Leaving reality behind
  • Health concerns
  • Technological feasibility
  • World building - who will "own" the Metaverse?


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Energy Nowadays

Energy Nowadays

Let's take a look to the first and second laws of thermodynamics:

  • First law states that energy cannot be created or destroyed and that the total amount of energy in the universe must remain the same.
  • Second law states that energy always moves from higher to lower concentrations,heat dissipates.

The actual energy industry is based on an inefficient route which consumes lots of energy and resources until the final energy is obtained.

This inefficiency makes energy a more expensive resource than it should be.

Fossil fuel plants are still running despite polluting and being in heavy losses.


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Speculating the Future Using The Past

Speculating the Future Using The Past

For futurologists, the modern social-scientific line of thought that speculates on the future, what the future holds can be predicted by what we see now.

We do not know what will happen in the future, but the past can paint a picture. In 1903, the Wright brothers invented the plane, but it took over 50 years before the first planes were commercialised.


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Misconceptions About the Future of Technology

Futurology skeptics who believe advancement is coming to an end do not consider the progress we are not yet able to understand.

DaVinci and Galileo may have contributed hugely to technological advancement in their times, but even they could not comprehend the future of today. Computing power could radically be improved through the invention of a quantum computer, and power generation could still face improvement.


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About technology

Being dependent on new technologies can have a negative impact on our survival efforts.
The more forms of technology you’re familiar with using (anything from hammers to modern complex electronics boards) the more problems you’ll be able to solve, the more useful you’ll be to others, and the greater the chances of your survival.


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Educational institutions have long been slow to adopt learning technology

“We are beginning to see a battle between learning technology and institutional inertia.”

As most learners today have instant access to the internet, their learning landscape is becoming increasingly informal; they can learn in a continuous self-paced manner outside the classroom using platforms such as YouTube and Wikipedia. 


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Psycho Technology

We evolved to use tools. In that sense, we are natural-born cyborgs. Our clothes, our objects are tools we enhanced ourselves with biologically. 

Psycho technologies enhance our brain. Like literacy, which enhances our cognition by helping us to remember. Taking notes makes time obvious.

If we use a computer analogy: regular technology enhances our hardware, while psycho technology is like a software upgrade. Since humans operate on pretty much the same basic hardware it can be concluded all our major advances were psychological. 


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Solar Energy

Solar Energy

Solar energy changes everything. With the actual technology the surface area required to generate all of our needed energy is 496,805 square km.

The price per watt with solar energy has dropped from $256 in 1954 to 82 cents today.

With the creation of a more efficient way of acquiring energy, costs are dramatically reduced and therefore production of any technology becomes cheaper.

With a transition to a cleaner energy source like solar energy we also reduce environmental pollution. And not only that, cheap energy will allow us to remove carbon dioxide from our environment efficiently.


Core idea curated from:

Definition of technology innovation and digital transformation.

Definition of technology innovation and digital transformation.

Technology innovation refers to the process of developing and introducing new or improved technologies to enhance and improve various aspects of human life, including but not limited to healthcare, transportation, communication, entertainment, and education. 

Digital transformation, on the other hand, refers to the integration of digital technologies into all areas of a business or organization, resulting in fundamental changes in the way the organization operates and delivers value to customers.


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What is Blockchain?

What is Blockchain?

It is a digital ledger technology that enables secure, transparent, and decentralized transactions. It is a distributed database shared among a network of computers, where each computer has a copy of the database and can verify transactions. In a blockchain network, each transaction is verified by a network of computers called nodes, which use complex algorithms to ensure that the transaction is legitimate. Once a transaction is verified, it is added to a block of transactions and then added to the chain of existing blocks, creating an immutable record of all transactions on the network.


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Technology and productivity

We all have tools in our pockets to help us.

  • For example, consider using your phone's built-in alarm for taking breaks, or giving yourself a reminder to eat lunch, or taking a screen break to reduce eyestrain.
  • If you find it challenging to work, consider a productivity method like the Pomodoro technique, where you work deeply for about 25 minutes, then take a short break. Repeat four of the cycles, then take a 30-minute break before starting again. There are many Pomodoro apps to help you.
  • Don't forget to use the same technology to turn off notifications and distractions while you're working.


Core idea curated from:

Our relationship with technology

Our relationship with technology

"The underlying behaviours we hope to fix are ingrained in our culture, and […] they’re backed by powerful psychological forces that empower our base instincts. To re-establish control, we need to move beyond tweaks and instead rebuild our relationship with technology from scratch, using our deeply held values as a foundation." - Cal Newport


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The Role Of Big Companies In Technology Development

The Role Of Big Companies In Technology Development

Big companies develop technology, but not quickly. Their size makes them slow and prevents them from rewarding employees appropriately.

They are better suited to develop technology in fields where large capital requirements prevent startups from competing. And even in those fields they depend heavily on startups for components and ideas.


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Learning technology 10 characteristics

  1. It has cultural significance.
  2. It triggers exponential growth.
  3. It’s scalable.
  4. It results from combining multiple technologies (for example, the printing press was the combined result of metallic letters, binding, ink, paper and presses). 
  5. It moves toward its obsolescence as new technologies emerge. 
  6. It has verisimilitude (for example, people confuse it with real life). 
  7. It extends cognition. 
  8. It shapes the way people view the world. 
  9. It moves society toward asynchronous, technology-based learning. 
  10. It can positively and negatively impact humanity (for example, printing books requires felling trees).


Core idea curated from:

Three-stage societal response to new technologies:

Three-stage societal response to new technologies:

  • Denial.
  • Rational counter-arguments.
  • Name-calling.

AI has already moved past the denial stage, thanks to its long 80-year prehistory and sudden dramatic advancements.

The impact of a new technology primarily revolves around the reordering of status in society.


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1886 – The first car is invented

1886 – The first car is invented

Austrian Karl Benz invented the first true automobile in the 19th century.

It was powered by an internal combustion engine and had three wheels.


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Neurotechnologies that will change our lives

Neurotechnologies that will change our lives

We know that technological advances have already brought endless benefits to the medical field. However, it seems that in the field of neuroscience and mental disorders, no great milestones have been reached so far. Instead, there are more sophisticated resources for studying the brain, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

In recent years, new technologies combined with state-of-the-art computational analysis, modeling, and artificial intelligence have changed many things. For example, we can see what's going on in many mental disorders at the neurological level.


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Neurotechnologies aim to improve the health and potential

Neurotechnologies aim to improve the health and potential

Neurotechnologies aim to improve the health and potential of the human brain. This area is attracting increasing interest and investment from large companies. We intend to examine below some future developments in this field, which, as we mentioned earlier, are non-invasive resources.

The search for biomarkers of chronic pain and depression

Artificial intelligence added to electroencephalography (EEG) and Big Data will soon allow for better diagnoses. For example, a patient will only need to wear a cap with different electrodes to get an accurate picture of his brain activity.


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Innovator Development, Courage, Support

Innovator Development, Courage, Support

How to foster innovation in today’s world?

  • You have to be signed up for the fight.
  • It’s a contact sport, these aren’t easy roads.
  • The advantage you have as an innovator is that at the end of the day, the truth actually matters.

Historically, it’s really hard to find an example of new technology that came into the world and was then pulled back.

If innovators feel fulfilled by their close relationships, they won’t need approval from the internet or public opinion.


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Turn your camera into a book scanner

Turn your camera into a book scanner

Want to instantly unlock the key ideas of a book? Just scan it with your camera.

Here's the magic:

  1. Open the Deepstash search screen and tap the scanner button (top right).
  2. Grant Deepstash camera access (if you haven't already).
  3. Point your camera at any book cover, making sure it fits the rectangle on your screen.
  4. Boom! Get ready to dive into the most popular ideas from the book.

No more lugging around heavy tomes! Deepstash makes exploring books a breeze.

P.S. Make sure the cover is clear and well-lit for the best results.


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Proprietary technology

Proprietary technology

Proprietary technology is a great advantage on which you can build a monopoly business because it makes it difficult for other companies to replicate your product.

However, for proprietary technology to offer an advantage, it needs to be 10x better than existing solutions. You can achieve this by inventing something new or radically improving an existing solution.


Core idea curated from:


Explore the history of car technology and how it has transformed the way we drive. 

We’ve put together a timeline showing the evolution of car tech, from the first car to ever be invented to a raft of post-war technology including safety features and electric systems.


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"In from three to eight years, we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being."



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"I propose a new university curriculum: 'Literature by Gist.' Simply scan the cover art, and - bam! - you've got the gist. Saves a tremendous amount of time for pondering semicolons and all that rot.

Though, I fear 'Moby Dick' might just translate to 'Angry Whale."



Core idea curated from:

Technology accelerates FOBO

Technology accelerates FOBO

Sophisticated apps and social media only accelerate FOBO, giving us unlimited options. We are unable to decide due to a constant flow of new plans, events, invitations or commitments.


Core idea curated from:

The timeline infographic: 1886 to 1971

The timeline infographic: 1886 to 1971

  • 1886 – The first car is invented
  • 1908 – Ford produced Model T
  • 1911 – Electric ignition starters
  • 1921 – Cigarette lighters
  • 1930 – Car radio
  • 1934 – Coil spring suspension
  • 1949 - Car keys
  • 1951 – Power steering
  • 1953 – Air conditioning
  • 1958 – Cruise control
  • 1959 – Seatbelts
  • 1960s – Electric windows
  • 1969 – Intermittent windshield wipers
  • 1970s – Cassette tape stereos
  • 1971 – ABS technology


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