The Essence of Desire - Deepstash
The Essence of Desire

The Essence of Desire

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When We Want...

When We Want...

Many times when we want to do something, we do the required things needed to be done to acquire that thing. For example: if you wanted take out, you would have to get dressed, get into the car, drive it to your local KFC and pay and get your food, then you would drive back home where you would enjoy your reward-chicken wings with a fillet burger and fries with coke. That same rule applies to everything else in life we want: to lose weight, one has to commit to a calorie deficit or excercising more, to get a high status, job you have to study hard and aim high.


452 reads

Hard Work

Hard Work

However, how soon you get that thing you want or even getting it at all depends in your desire for that thing. If you you want it deeply and take dedicated actions towards it you will get it. If you don't want it that much you may or may not get that thing. If you want to give up, remind yourself of why you started and tell yourself out loud not to stop now and to keep going. To do all these you first need a goal, then write down what you need to achieve that goal, then create a good system or routine that you can follow to achieve that goal. Remember to keep your goal in mind.


413 reads



You have to want something so much to do all that's needed to be done to get it...

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