What's Not Kindness - Deepstash
What's Not Kindness

What's Not Kindness

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What's Not Kindness - Extravagance

What's Not Kindness - Extravagance

True kindness is not about lavish or excessive giving. It's about giving genuinely from the heart, even small acts. It also requires purpose and intention behind it. Random acts without deliberate thought don't have the same meaning.


79 reads

What's Not Kindness - Enslaving

What's Not Kindness - Enslaving

Being kind isn't about nurturing laziness or irresponsible behavior that could hurt someone in the long run. Kindness means compassionately helping others become self-sufficient and grow. 


69 reads

What's Not Kindness - Comforting

What's Not Kindness - Comforting

Authentic kindness avoids enabling dependencies. It isn't just telling people what they want to hear or agreeing blindly. Kindness means speaking and acting with wisdom and care, not just comfort, even when it's hard. The most thoughtful kindness considers what the other person truly needs, even when that requires tough love.


65 reads

PoV On Cruelty

PoV On Cruelty

- Some of the most inhumane and brutal leaders in history have had below-average intellects. If you look at dictators, you'll often find that they lacked critical thinking skills and wisdom, even as they were proficient at oppression and violence.

- Higher intelligence does not automatically make someone more ethical; neither does lower intelligence destiny a person to cruelty.

- But historical records do suggest there can be an inverse relationship - those who brutalize others the most seem to often be less intellectually gifted themselves.


57 reads

Intelligence is having the right knowledge/wisdom to keep your heart on the spectrum of helping others while you and your belongings are respected.



52 reads

Kindness Requires Certain Intelligence

Kindness doesn't rely solely on intellect, having the ability to understand and interpret emotions effectively can enhance one's capacity for kindness. It's not about being academically smart, but rather about being emotionally aware and sensitive to the needs and feelings of others. It's all about heart and mind working together to make the world a better place!

While you don't need to be a genius to be kind, having a certain level of emotional intelligence can enhance your ability to connect with others, understand their perspectives, and act compassionately.


51 reads



Genuine and Unique thoughts


You don't need to be intelligent to be cruel.


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