10 Fitness Myths vs Truth | Debunked by Doctors - Deepstash
10 Fitness Myths vs Truth | Debunked by Doctors

10 Fitness Myths vs Truth | Debunked by Doctors

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Pain after workout

Over time, the body adapts to a given workload, so the number of microtraumas — the reaction of your muscles to unusual strain that causes post-training pain — is reduced as the muscles become stronger.

Experts don’t advise exercising through growing muscle pains. It is necessary to stop and monitor your condition.


954 reads

Calories burned by stair climbing

Walking up the stairs is perceived by the body as effort. Even a person who plays sports will sooner or later feel the typical tension in the muscles. 

If you have reached the point when simply walking up the stairs is too easy for you, use weights or try skipping one or two steps (if there are no medical contraindications).


588 reads

Exercise vs. Diet

Fitness coaches all over the world are unanimous in their opinions that success in building a beautiful body is 30% dependent on exercise and 70% on nutrition.

However, even the most rigorous workout can only cover the caloric value of one chocolate bar, at most. 


593 reads

Women looking manly with muscles

Responsible for muscle size, raspy voice, body hair and other masculine attributes is the male hormone testosterone. There is 15–20 times less testosterone in the female body than in the male body. 

It takes much more time and frequent effort for women to tighten the muscle tissue. 


588 reads

Targeted fat loss

Everyone stores fat in different body parts, which is determined by one’s sex and genetics. The fat deposits are also reduced unevenly.

Workouts aimed at certain body parts won’t help because while they do help burn calories (which indirectly affects the process of losing weight) and build muscle, they don’t affect the fat cells in the target part of the body.


645 reads

Not eating after a workout

If you don’t eat for at least half an hour after a workout, your body won’t receive any fuel and will be forced to get by with its reserves. This will slow down recovery, and you will feel muscle aches and fatigue for much longer. 

You can and should eat after a workout, but the main thing is to approach it wisely.


420 reads

Cardio to lose kilos quickly

The main principle of losing weight is burning more calories than you consume during the day. 

If your goal is to see a smaller number on the scales and achieve and maintain a slim figure, add strength training. It increases your metabolic rate and triggers increased calorie burning, even at rest. Combining aerobic and anaerobic exercises will be the most efficient.


491 reads

Daily workouts

Your muscles experience microtraumas during workouts and then grow and get stronger on rest days, which is why it is so important to set the right activity pace. 

The number of workouts depends on your fitness level. If you are a beginner, try exercising every other day or at least twice a week. 

If you have been exercising for a long time, let yourself rest at least once a week.


522 reads

Working out on an empty stomach

There is no proof that it helps burn more fat. Besides, after training on an empty stomach, you may feel weak and dizzy.

The body needs fuel to build muscle and burn calories. Be sure to have a snack 45–60 minutes before working out.


316 reads

Excessive sweating and losing weight

If you sweat profusely and drink little, you can indeed lose several ounces (hundred grams) due to body dehydration, but this has nothing to do with reducing fat deposits. In addition, the effect of such “weight loss” is very short-term. 

To lose weight, it is important to monitor your diet, maintaining a small calorie deficit and exercising to a slight fatigue, without exhausting yourself beyond measure.


426 reads



Avid food geek. I love running, coffee and waking up early.

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