The 4-Hour Body - Deepstash

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The Slow-Carb Diet

The Slow-Carb Diet

The Slow-Carb Diet is a cornerstone of Ferriss's approach to weight loss, emphasizing the elimination of white carbohydrates (like bread, rice, and pasta), eating the same few meals repeatedly, not drinking calories, avoiding fruits, and taking one day off a week to binge eat.

This diet aims to stabilize blood sugar and increase the efficiency of fat loss without rigorous calorie counting.


685 reads

Occam's Protocol for Muscle Gain

Occam's Protocol for Muscle Gain

This protocol is designed for rapid muscle gain with minimal time spent in the gym. It focuses on high-intensity, low-frequency workouts that rely on simple but effective exercises to trigger growth.

The key is to perform minimal sets with maximum intensity and sufficient recovery time to promote muscle growth.


577 reads

Improving Sleep Quality

Improving Sleep Quality

Ferriss provides several strategies for enhancing sleep quality, such as using a colder room for sleep, consuming a small amount of fat and protein before bed, and adopting specific positioning.

These tips aim to reduce sleep latency (the time it takes to fall asleep) and improve the overall quality of sleep, thereby enhancing recovery and performance.


526 reads

The Effortless Superhuman

The Effortless Superhuman

This section deals with breaking personal limits in physical performance through unconventional methods, such as using kettlebell swings to improve posterior chain strength, which Ferriss claims can significantly enhance athletic performance and fat loss with minimal time investment.


513 reads

Reversing Injuries

Reversing Injuries

The book also delves into methods for reversing chronic injuries and pain, incorporating techniques such as Active Release Technique (ART) and Egoscue Method, which are aimed at correcting postural imbalances and muscle dysfunctions that contribute to pain and injury.


458 reads

Running Faster and Farther

Running Faster and Farther

Ferriss provides insights into improving running efficiency and endurance through techniques that include Pose running method and minimalist running shoes. These are aimed at reducing injury risk and improving running performance by encouraging a more natural running form.


505 reads



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