Advice for ambitious 19-year-olds - Deepstash
Advice for ambitious 19-year-olds

Advice for ambitious 19-year-olds

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7 ideas


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Choose the Path Towards Big Achievements

Whether it's going to college, joining a company, or starting your own venture, go for the option that fits your situation and has the most potential for greatness.


469 reads

Build Things and Surround Yourself with Brainy Folks

Get busy creating stuff and hanging out with sharp minds. That combo will boost your growth and open doors to exciting opportunities.


416 reads

Take the Right Kind of Risks

Don't just play it safe by sticking to college. Sometimes, taking risks, like diving into a startup you're passionate about, can lead to bigger rewards than you imagine.


368 reads

Maximize Learning and Growth

Aim for experiences that teach you the most. Joining a company on the rise or starting a venture based on a killer idea can teach you invaluable lessons and help you grow fast.


336 reads

Follow Your Passion, but Be Choosy

Only dive into starting a company if you're truly passionate about the idea. Don't jump into ventures just for the sake of it. Wait for the right opportunity that matches your passion and potential for success.


322 reads

Stay Flexible and Financially Savvy

Keep your commitments low and your finances in check. This gives you the freedom to grab opportunities and handle setbacks without breaking a sweat.


309 reads

Picture life as a journey with different paths, like bustling streets and hidden lanes. Some paths seem safe, like well-known roads, while others seem risky, like unexplored trails. But the real risk lies in not taking the path that leads to your biggest achievements. Just like a skilled traveler, choose your path wisely, considering the terrain, the resources at hand, and the ultimate destination you aim for.


288 reads



19 | Generalist, Content Creator, Student at Christ University. Stashing about entrepreneurship, self-help, spirituality and the most interesting stuff I read.


My notes from Sam Altman's advice

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