Adopting Spiritual Practices: A Route to Joy and Contentment - Deepstash
Adopting Spiritual Practices: A Route to Joy and Contentment

Adopting Spiritual Practices: A Route to Joy and Contentment

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Contemplate the heavens

Contemplate the heavens

Studies have shown that spiritual people tend to lead happier and healthier lives. Spiritual people cope better with stress, have healthier marriages, and may live longer. But what does it mean to be spiritual? Spirituality means connecting with something greater, like religion, nature, or having a purpose.


256 reads

Read Memoirs of Catastrophe

Read Memoirs of Catastrophe

To grow spiritually, we must accept that death is certain. Medieval monks knew this well, keeping skeleton images as reminders of death. In the 16th century, artists painted still lifes to remind us life is short and death is certain. The book “Memoirs of Catastrophe” reminds us that life is fleeting and death is certain.


206 reads

Keep a gratitude notebook

Keep a gratitude notebook

Gratitude is a powerful tool on the path to happiness. Research shows that being grateful often makes people happier and more satisfied. By appreciating what we have, we break free from envy and desire. A gratitude notebook brings daily contentment and peace.


183 reads

Imitate a spiritual master

Imitate a spiritual master

One of the most profound spiritual practices is imitating a spiritual master. We can learn from Thomas à Kempis or ask, “What would Jesus do?” in tough times, following spiritual leaders gives us valuable guidance. Every day, we can learn from Churchill, Lincoln, Winfrey, and Buffett. Their stories light the way to personal growth and enlightenment.


181 reads



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Welcome, dear reader, to a journey of contemplation and self-discovery. Today, we explore spirituality and how it brings happiness and fulfilment.

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