The Effects of Mobile Phones on Individuals and Communities in the Light of Technological Determinism Theory - Deepstash

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Technology grants humanity the ability to be virtually connected in these contemporary times, but does it guarantee us physical interactions? How ironic it is for technology to promise more connection when we are not even more physically connected these days. This is one of the realizations that comes to my mind about how technological innovations, such as mobile phones, have a huge impact on this modern generation.


429 reads

You can call and text a person, read news articles and even e-books, watch movies and videos, listen to music and podcasts, and gather information you need just from our mobile phones. It’s like we have everything at our fingertips because of our smartphones. However, what really concerns me is how our phones badly influence us nowadays. Our phones really increase digital connections but decrease personal connections. I admit that I am also guilty of being part of those people who are too fond of their phones.


349 reads

Technological Determinism Theory

Technological Determinism Theory

Based on the Technological Determinism Theory, technology molds the way individuals in a society think, feel, and act. From my observations, I can say that technology nowadays really influences humanity in general.


352 reads

The Beauty Of The Present

The Beauty Of The Present

How about those persons who are near to you, who want to connect with you personally, and who want to spend time with you? Do we subconsciously build barriers between ourselves and other people just because of how phones have become part of our lives? Do we somehow separate ourselves away from the real world? Look at how beautiful the physical world is, the people personally communicating with one another, the intimacy in shared experiences with those close to you.


302 reads

Within our family, I observed that somehow, every time we lie down in our beds, the only thing that is in our hands and that our eyes look at is our phones. What a shame! I wish we could spend more time together personally, with no distractions from our smartphones, and just share experiences with my family.


272 reads



In conclusion, I just want to warn everyone, myself included, that we should not spend more time on our phones than with the people surrounding us and the physical and real world that we live in. Phones are just instruments for virtual connections, not a factor that separates us from the physical world and disconnects us physically from people near us.


238 reads

<p>I encourage everyone, inclu...

I encourage everyone, including myself, to tap and talk to a friend personally, spend more time and share experiences with those close to us, behold the beauty of the Earth, and immerse ourselves more in the real and physical world, and not to let our phones consume our time and hinder us from living our lives meaningfully, because while we are still alive, we still have time; and while we still have time, we still have a chance.


238 reads



INFJ 👤 I- Introvert N- Intuition F- Feeling J- Judging


My PERSONAL reflections about how technology affects the humanity in general these modern times

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