5 Tips for Better Business Writing - Deepstash
5 Tips for Better Business Writing

5 Tips for Better Business Writing

Curated from: shelbyhedges.com

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Tips for Better Business Writing

Tips for Better Business Writing

You can be a good business writer, just by following these five tips:

1. Write as you speak.

2. Read it aloud.

3. Ditch the Jargon.

4. Ignore the English Teacher.

5. Put your main points first.


667 reads

Write how you Speak

Write how you Speak

Writing simply, and in an alive tone, using everyday words is more forthcoming and refreshing, than using unnatural sounding words. 

Write like a human.


516 reads

Read it Aloud

Read it Aloud

If you read your written text aloud, you will realize where it can be worded better, or where to add or remove a comma. You can also let someone else read it.


257 reads

Ditch the Jargon

Ditch the Jargon

Jargon can be minimized, and complicated words are sometimes unclear to the reader.


249 reads

Ignore your Teacher

Ignore your Teacher

It's good to be creative and free in your writing, instead of just following old rules.


400 reads

Put your Main Points First

Put your Main Points First

Simply put the main points first, instead of burying it inside the text or email, as many readers don't have the attention span or bandwidth to read everything closely.


331 reads



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