11 Modern Leadership Lessons from History's Masters - Deepstash
11 Modern Leadership Lessons from History's Masters

11 Modern Leadership Lessons from History's Masters

Curated from: entrepreneur.com

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The lesson we all got to learn from Martin Luther King, Jr.

Throughout history, some individuals got to play bigger roles than others. Among them, Martin Luther King, Jr. taught us that the success of a cause depends directly on the involvement of the people who joined it.


645 reads

The lesson learned from the movie 'Kim Man-bok'

According to the main character's behaviour, one should used other means of negotiation besides persuasion, which is, undoubtedly, of high importance. For instance, why not try using the very language of the counterparts, if possible. It can lead to unexpectedly good results.


417 reads

The lesson learned from Buddha

Buddha's belief that anybody can changed is a powerful tool in the hands of good coaches. Having trust in people's ability to change can prove to be way more effective than believing that they can't.


537 reads

The lesson learned from Peter Drucker

The one known as the 'father of modern management', Peter Drucker, came to the conclusion that the more one charges for providing others with his advice, the more the advice is valuable. So, if he could do it, maybe it is indeed worth giving this idea a chance.


359 reads

The lesson learned from Theodore Roosevelt

According to Theodore Roosevelt's famous quote, individuals are interested into working with others who show that they care. This idea proves to be true over and over again, in all the aspects of life.


573 reads

The lesson learned from Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela taught us what is maybe one of the most valuable management lessons: one does not need to use authority in order to lead effectively. Instead, getting to know your people and finding out what their motivations are can prove way more efficient in the long run.


339 reads

The lesson learned from Max Planck

The German theoretical physicist once stated that one's perception of the things changes how things really are. Therefore, choosing to have a good influence on your people, as a manager, will most certainly have better results than having a negative attitude and mind-set.


300 reads

The lesson learned from Winston Churchill

The great Winston Churchill gave everybody a lesson worth being remembered for generations to come: if you want people to understand you, you might as well communicate by using simple and clear words. The main point is to get your idea transmitted, after all.


332 reads

The lesson learned from Ann Bradstreet

Known as one of the first internationally recognized writers writing from the New World, Ann Bradstreet enabled the American colonists to express their identity as different as possible from England, even though she was an English woman herself.


292 reads

The lesson learned from Marcus Aurelius and Cato

Great leaders do not always need words in order to lead. One fine example of this is illustrated by Marcus Aurelius and Cato, who succeeded to inspire individuals by the way they lived their lives, by their deeds.


391 reads

The lesson learned from Helen Keller

One of the most valuable lessons that humanity can learn is to make the best of what one has. For instance, Helen Keller, who was blind and deaf as a child, succeeded to earn a bachelor's degree, publish books, co-found the ACLU, therefore inspiring an entire world with her amazing story.


321 reads



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