100+ Tips & Facts for Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing - Deepstash

Mental Health - Page 2

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What does it mean to be sovereign? It means reclaiming your inner power and accessing the strength and authenticity that lie within you. It's what helps you stay true to yourself, even in tough times. Being sovereign means living more freely, breaking free from societal expectations, past traumas, and self-imposed limitations. This transformative state helps you live in a way that supports and energizes you, enabling you to reach your full potential.

Trauma shapes us, even our bodies. Dr. van der Kolk digs deep onw how trauma shapes us and how we can rise above it.

Buddhist parables of enlightenment and wisdom for more awareness, happiness and contentment in everyday life

In my youth, I was taught that knowledge conferred power. As I grew, I realized that knowledge alone is not enough; true power comes from awareness—understanding one's thoughts, feelings, actions, and the external world. This journey from knowledge to awareness transforms one's life, and I hope sharing these insights can inspire you as it has inspired me.

Minimalism is a lifestyle that emphasizes simplicity and intentional living. It involves decluttering physical possessions, focusing on what truly matters, and reducing waste. By doing so, minimalists create more space for meaningful experiences and contribute to a sustainable environment. 🌿🌱

Understanding what we can and cannot control in life is essential for achieving peace, freedom, and happiness. This principle guides how we react to events and manage our desires and aversions.

Exploring the depths of our minds shows how our everyday persona and hidden shadow self interact. Carl Jung's ideas about the human mind help us understand these complex inner workings. Working on our shadow, we journey toward self-awareness, authenticity, and personal growth. This process brings light to our inner darkness and helps us connect more deeply with our true selves, leading to a balanced and fulfilling life. Here, we explore the key concepts of Jungian psychology, enriched with insightful quotes, to guide us toward self-discovery and transformation.

I wish somebody had told me these things when I was younger. I now practice them when I need to get a fast assessment of people I don’t know well.

The importance of acknowledging and accepting our feelings while also recognizing the need to act responsibly and ethically. Let's dive deeper!

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