collective epistemology - Deepstash

collective epistemology

The study of the epistemic properties of groups and their beliefs.


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The idea is part of this collection:

Centers of Progress

Learn more about philosophy with this collection

The historical significance of urban centers

The impact of cultural and technological advances

The role of urban centers in shaping society

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Collective intelligence

Collective intelligence means smart decision making among groups of individuals that improves on the ability of one single person.

It can be useful in areas such as management, product development and predicting elections.

Collective belief

A lot of time in your house means a lot of time to learn and organize for change with people who share your beliefs and could amplify them. Whether in relation to debt, or something else.

Collective madness

... or maladaptive herding, happens in groups when ineffective or harmful knowledge amplifies due to copying and can cause events like instability in stock markets.

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