epistemic - Deepstash


Pertaining to knowledge.


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The idea is part of this collection:

Centers of Progress

Learn more about philosophy with this collection

The historical significance of urban centers

The impact of cultural and technological advances

The role of urban centers in shaping society

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Epistemic curiosity

This is a pleasurable state associated with an anticipation of reward.

That’s our level of knowledge. That’s what drives all scientific research. It drives many artworks. It drives education and other things like that.

Problem Questions

Questions pertaining to plot, structure, consistency or procedure need a little brainstorming to be original and interesting.

We can write down whatever ideas we have and can reflect on them while trying to come up with an answer.

Good Dialogue Matters

Good Dialogue Matters

Dialogue serves to fulfill several aspects:

  1. Dialogue allows readers to learn more about the character speaking
  2. Dialogue allows readers to learn about important facts pertaining to the world
  3. Dialogue reveals the character’s world view and hints if they’ll change

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