epistemic democracy - Deepstash

epistemic democracy

The view that the aim of democracy is (in part) to favor a true outcome (with voting answering a question such as, “which candidate is best to lead?”).


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Centers of Progress

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The historical significance of urban centers

The impact of cultural and technological advances

The role of urban centers in shaping society

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Democracy is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their governing legislators.

Emphasis on:

  • freedom of assembly & speech
  • inclusiveness and equality (minority rights)

The Problem With Democracy

  • Plato wanted to end democracy in Athens. He observed how few people think properly before they vote and therefor we get very substandard rulers. 
  • He didn't want to replace democracy with dictatorship; but he wanted to prevent people from voting until they had started to think ratio...

Answer part of the question

Find a part of the question you are comfortable answering if answering the whole question is not an option.

This may sometimes be enough to satisfy the other person.

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