The process of understanding and being understood; it’s how... - Deepstash

The process of understanding and being understood; it’s how you turn the “raw data” of information into knowledge that has meaning.


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Centers of Progress

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The historical significance of urban centers

The impact of cultural and technological advances

The role of urban centers in shaping society

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There are two types of data

There are two types of data

  1. Raw, unstructured data, consisting of numbers or lines of code.
  2. Processed data, which is raw data that has been cleaned, organized and transformed into information (i.e., knowledge).

Raw data is unusable, while processed data is key to driving business decisions.

The Field of Epistemology

The Field of Epistemology

In simpler terms, epistemology is the study of how we gain knowledge and understanding. Bion observed that infants communicate their fears to their mothers, who "translate" them into meaning. This process starts the process of normal thinking and shapes our understanding.

Self-help vs Social science

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