7. - Deepstash


If they cheat at small things, they will cheat at big things.

  • Beware of the small things. They may lead to big consequences in business (or other ventures). Even a seemingly tiny thing, like breaking the rules in a game of golf, can be a red flag.
  • For instance, if someone is willing to cheat in a game, what's stopping them from cheating in business deals (or relationships for that matter)?
  • Take any warning seriously, no matter how small it may seem. Watch out for the small things, and the big things will take care of themselves.


284 reads




Content Curator | Absurdist | Amateur Gamer | Failed musician | Successful pessimist | Pianist |

I wish somebody had told me these things when I was younger. I now practice them when I need to get a fast assessment of people I don’t know well.

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