Consistency - Deepstash


Being consistent may not guarantee that you will succeed, but not being consistent will guarantee that you won't succeed


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consistency over perfection: iterate

consistency over perfection: iterate

to break down a mountain, you have to start with the first rock. 

perfectionism is not a good metric of success. nor is intelligence. hard work is because it's consistent

A small step is always better than no step at all.

instead of seeking the situation to be perfect and you tr...


All communication that is done across the community or organization by the leader must not prove to be ambiguous. The exchange of information by the leader where ideas, intentions and vision are presented should be done with enough clarity and precision. 

Not just verbal communication, but ...

Clarify Your Intentions - Day 152

"By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and you will know when to stop." - Robert Greene

  • Having an end in mind is no guarantee that you'll reach it - but not having an end in mind is a guarantee you won't.
  • How will you know what do to in a ...

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