Money will be anything you want it to be - Deepstash
Money will be anything you want it to be

Money will be anything you want it to be

If a person says, “Money is hard to get,” it will probably be hard to get. If a person says, “Oh, I’ll never be rich,” or “It’s really hard to get rich,” it will probably be true for that person. If a person says, “The only way to get rich is to work hard,” then that person will probably work hard. If the person says, “If I had a lot of money, I would put it in the bank because I wouldn’t know what to do with it,” then it will probably happen just that way.


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The rich don't work for money. They know how to have money work for them.

Similar ideas to Money will be anything you want it to be

Challenging beliefs

Make a list of all of your beliefs, good and bad.

Examples related to money:

  • I’ll never be wealthy.
  • Rich people are dishonest.
  • I’ll never have enough money to have a nice house.
  • If I’m rich, people will try to steal from me.

It takes more time to make money than to spend it

It takes more time to make money than to spend it

You work thousands of hours to make a certain amount of money. And then, you can drop it all on a new car, luxury vacation, watch, or anything else that you desire.The easiest way to grow your bank account is NOT to spend it all. It’s solid advice. The ancient Stoics knew about this too.

Learn to Manage Your Money

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