Organize It - Deepstash
Organize It

Organize It

"Let nothing accumulate on top of anything else. Let nothing be there by chance. Let nothing obstruct the way and let nothing slow down anything or anyone. Imagine what you could achieve if you had the discipline to star by organizing everything. " - Ryan Holiday


119 reads



I've been diving into this book recently, and it's amazing how, by the time you hit page 69, you're already finding some truly powerful insights that can shape our lives in meaningful ways. So, let's explore some of the standout quotes from the first 69 pages that will guide us on our journey.

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1. Believe in yourself

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Types of people

Types of people

Category 1: Losers

People who always see negative in everything and put in the least amount of effort or no effort at all. They are least bothered about what is happening around them. They will only crib and complain about how the world is. They will say someth...

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