Small Details Count - Deepstash
Small Details Count

Small Details Count

"We all think we've move beyond it, of course. We have something more important to think about. We want something more exciting to do. Less basic, less fundamental. We want to challenge ourselves, not waste time checking a list, stretching before workout, and reading instructions instead of driving into the task. But the truth is, we can only tackle the big problem if we first handle the small things well." - Ryan Holiday


99 reads



I've been diving into this book recently, and it's amazing how, by the time you hit page 69, you're already finding some truly powerful insights that can shape our lives in meaningful ways. So, let's explore some of the standout quotes from the first 69 pages that will guide us on our journey.

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And this is not just clothes or fitness gear, in fact you can do with pretty basic stuff.

  • At this point the less you spend the better.
  • We very often feel that we are achieving something by spending money when all we are achieving is emptying our bank accounts. ...

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