Inspirational Lessons from 15 Greatest Minds To Achieve The Winner Mindset - Deepstash

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Words of Wisdom - Success Habits From Top Leaders

Great achievers who have been wildly successful, such as Walt Disney, Warren Buffet, Michael Jordan, and a dozen more. I’ve picked successful people from many different fields, but their ideas about achieving success are universal.

Be inspired by words of wisdom from those who have already achieved great success and learn strategies to apply their ideas for success to your own life.



611 reads

Quick Takeaways From This Outline

Quick Takeaways From This Outline

  • Gain inspiration from the success of others
  • Use failure to your advantage
  • Create and use a vision board effectively
  • Use the success strategies of some of history’s greatest winners
  • Leave fear behind as you pursue your dreams
  • Design a plan to make your dreams inevitable
  • Develop and maintain enthusiasm, regardless of what those around you might say.


446 reads

The Wisdom Of The Greats - Discover Below Lessons From This STASH

The Wisdom Of The Greats - Discover Below Lessons From This STASH

  1. Gaining Inspiration From Others
  2. Being Open To Your Dream
  3. Choosing Your Dream
  4. Nix the Naysayers
  5. Leave Fear Behind
  6. Make Your Dream Inevitable
  7. Discover Your Passion
  8. Have Faith
  9. Take Responsibility
  10. Think Positive
  11. Take Action
  12. Embrace Your Failures
  13. Recognize Your Opportunity
  14. Find Mentors Who You Can Emulate
  15. Confront and Resolve Obstacles
  16. Enjoy The Journey


342 reads



You only need TWO things 

  1. Dare To Dream
  2. Make Your Dreams Come True

Use these strategies to enable the success of others to inspire you to make your dreams come true:

  • Interview other successful people. Successful people are all around you. They may be in your family, at your work place, or in your community.
  • Take a shot at similar goals. Consider the kind of goals successful people set their sights on.
  • Showcase your skill set. Embrace your abilities and use them to go after specific goals.
  • Sharpen weaker abilities. Successful individuals learn something new every day.


186 reads


Greatness is a state of mind.



301 reads

Journal Prompts

Journal Prompts

  • What goal in your life is near and dear to your heart?


  • Who do you know that has been successful in their own pursuit of a similar goal?


  • Interview them and discover how they did it.


  • Can you apply some of the same techniques to fuel your success?



221 reads


“All human beings are also dream beings. Dreamingties all mankind together.”



305 reads

We All DREAM, Be Open To Yours!

JACK KEROUAC - We All DREAM, Be Open To Yours!

If you can imagine what you really want and allow your dreams to come to the surface of your mind, you can do great things!

You have the power to achieve the life you’ve always wanted, simply by opening your mind to the dreams you may have been afraid to dream in the past.

Kerouac believed that having life dreams is a given for each of us. And because all humans dream, we’re connected to each other because of of having our own desires.



149 reads

Lessons / Suggestions To Be Open To Your Dreams

Lessons / Suggestions To Be Open To Your Dreams

  • Tap in to what truly matters to you.
  • Make your life be an illustration of your fondest hopes.
  • Encourage yourself to ponder your dreams daily.
  • Recognize that it’s human to have wishes and hopes.
  • Share your truest dreams out loud with someone.

Open your calendar and schedule a short time in each day in which you can think about your dreams. Perhaps you would like to reflect on your dreams for a few minutes upon wakening or right before you go to sleep. This timing gives you the chance to either start or end your day on a highly positive note!


115 reads


“You can plant a dream.” 



192 reads

Choose Your DREAM


Regardless of where you are in life, you can illustrate your own picture of what you’d like your life to be like.

A Dream doesn’t just come to you randomly. You can decide what your dream will be.

  1. Make a decision about where you want to live.
  2. Ask if you’re in the job that you would choose now for yourself.
  3. Do what you love to do.
  4. Feed and water your dream.

Planting your dream can be scary, exciting, and invigorating.



108 reads


Determine one aspect that you desire to be present in your dreams of your most wonderful life. Choose this dream and spend time dreaming about it, planning it, and figuring out the steps that take you toward fulfilling this dream.



133 reads

Nix The Naysayers

DOUGLAS ADAMS - Nix The Naysayers

The quote brought humor to the whole idea of dreaming. 

How to dream your biggest dreams, regardless of the naysayers:

  • Develop your own philosophies.
  • Accept the fact that there may be others who disagree with your ideas.
  • List the subjects that you find yourself thinking about. Look for recurrent themes.
  • Have ideas and opinions about things, especially things that matter personally. Dream. Think. Speculate.
  • Refuse to allow anyone to deter you.



94 reads


“He was a dreamer, a thinker, a speculative philosopher...or, as his wife would have it, an idiot.”



140 reads

Develop the confidence to share your dreams by:

Develop the confidence to share your dreams by:

  1. Writing down what you’ll say when you talk about your dreams with someone else.
  2. Practicing saying it in front of a mirror.
  3. Planning a time to share your thoughts.
  4. Tell yourself the reasons why you want to share your dreams with the one you chose.
  5. Accept the fact that others may not understand the relevance of your dreams to your life, and then dream on anyway.

If you stay the course and remain attached to your dreams, you just might reach your highest heights.


76 reads


“All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.”



129 reads

Leave Fear Behind

WALT DISNEY - Leave Fear Behind

Disney was truly a dreamer as he came from humble beginnings in Chicago, rising to become one of the world’s most famous Americans.

The power and promise of dreaming is evident, not only throughout Walt Disney’s life, but long after his death in 1966.

In his quotation, Disney mentions courage as an integral precursor to bringing dreams to fruition - "if you have the guts to go after what you want, you can make your dreams happen."

The incredible, depth, breadth, and reach into the future of Walt Disney’s dreams are true testaments to what can happen if you pursue your dreams.



62 reads

Strategies To Help You Follow Your Dreams

Strategies To Help You Follow Your Dreams

  1. Have courage. Rather than be afraid, jump in with both feet.
  2. Create a vision board.
  3. Take action. Pursue whatever it is you want with a vengeance.
  4. Consider roadblocks as challenges.
  5. Keep your momentum going.

Never underestimate your power to make your dreams come true.


Create a vision board that inspires you to go after your dreams.


68 reads


“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then, they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” 



102 reads

Christopher Reeve - Make Your Dream Inevitable

Christopher Reeve - Make Your Dream Inevitable

The above quote of Reeve’s carries a powerful message to all who dare to dream.

Reeve points out that when a dream first enters your mind, it might seem ludicrous to even think it could come to pass. Later, down the road, it seems not likely that it could ever happen. Ultimately, though, if you determine by your own personal choice that you will make your dream happen, you’ll see your end result is “inevitable.”



63 reads

Make your dreams inevitable with these actions:

Make your dreams inevitable with these actions:

  1. Allow an outlet for your dreams. Find ways to express your dreams.
  2. Even if you believe your dreams are impossible, continue ahead.
  3. Decide to pursue your dream. Make a conscious decision to begin doing small things that relate to what you want in life. 
  4. Act on your ideas.
  5. Set up mini-goals and celebrate when you achieve them.


Keep your dream alive! Make a list of activities that you could do each day to support your dream, such as drawing, journaling, and more that relate to your dream.


56 reads



●     Be open to your dreams.

●     Choose your dreams.

●     Nix the naysayers of your dreams.

●     Let go of fear and pursue your dreams.

●     Make your dream inevitable.


Your dreams bring golden moments, inspiration, and incredible experiences.

“Do all you can to make your dreams come true.”

                                                                                   ~Joel Osteen


35 reads


“Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.” 



88 reads

David Frost: Discover Your Passion

David Frost: Discover Your Passion

When it comes to striving for success, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There are many people who’ve made their marks on the world through achieving incredible success in their work. You can follow in their footsteps and achieve your own success! 

Develop your own winning ways when you discover your passion, have faith, take responsibility, and think positive. 

Your chances of being successful are vastly increased when you’re passionate about what you’re doing.


46 reads

How to Apply David Frost’s Tip to Your Life!

How to Apply David Frost’s Tip to Your Life!

Once you discover your passion, keep doing it to achieve success.

For example:

●     If you loved to work on cars as a teen, figure out a way to continue your mechanical pursuits and get paid for them as an adult.

●     If you’re passionate about baking cookies and cakes, bake plenty of these pastries and sell them.


You see, when you do what you love, you’ll enjoy the time you spend doing it.

Journal Time:

What do you enjoy most?


How can you monetize it? 


Whatever plans you make for turning what you love into your work, take action toward making it a reality


33 reads


“Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” 



54 reads

Steve Jobs: Have Faith

Steve Jobs: Have Faith

Steve talks about how you can’t know everything when you first set out to do something. Jobs believed one just has to have faith that in the scheme of life, what he does will eventually have an impact.

When you have that faith, you’ll continue your journey, doing what you have faith in. It’s only later, down the road, when you can look back and see the impact of your work.


44 reads

How to Apply Steve Jobs’ Tip to Your Life

How to Apply Steve Jobs’ Tip to Your Life

Even though you may not have a complete sense of how what you want to do will fit in to the big scheme of things, if you truly feel it’s what you should be doing or that it’s the right thing to do, then just follow through with your pursuits.

Have faith that you’re supposed to be doing what you’ve chosen.

Regardless of whether you believe in destiny or prefer to listen to your gut: what does your internal “trust-meter” tell you to do? 

If you continue in the pursuits you have faith in, you won’t be disappointed.

One Last Line, 

Faith is necessary if you can’t see the path to completion. 


32 reads


“I don't think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good.”



55 reads

Oprah Winfrey: Take Responsibility

Oprah Winfrey: Take Responsibility

Winfrey brings home the importance of taking control of your own life. She viewed her personal sense of responsibility as the key to “making good.”

Regardless of your background, you can be successful if you take responsibility for your own future.


43 reads

How to Apply Oprah Winfrey’s Tip to Your Life!

How to Apply Oprah Winfrey’s Tip to Your Life!

Circumstances don’t control your future. Refuse to allow your personal situation to color your sense of who you truly are or what you can accomplish.

Your success doesn’t depend on luck, where you live, or whether you’re rich or poor. It does depend, however, on how you step up to take responsibility for yourself. Avoid blaming others, making excuses, or just wishing things will get better.


●     Make a list of the excuses you tell yourself to justify not taking action toward your goals.

●     Now, imagine yourself as a highly responsible person that would never rely on excuses.


37 reads


“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” 



68 reads

Thomas Jefferson: Think Positive

Thomas Jefferson: Think Positive

Jefferson believed there’s power in one’s own mind & that being positive is the best way to release that power & benefit from it.

How to Apply Jefferson’s Tip to Your Life

Use positive self-talk. You engage in a running dialog with yourself all day long.

Repeat affirmations. + start finding evidences to that establishes strength in your subconscious mind. 

Practice meditation. Boosts focus on moving forward to your goals & brings you serenity. 

Seek the silver lining. Even when things don’t go as planned, find something good in every situation

Start a meditation practice 10 Mins a DAY!


33 reads


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” ~Pablo Picasso 



56 reads

Pablo Picasso: Take Action

Pablo Picasso: Take Action

Even when people didn’t seem interested in his art, Picasso just kept painting, sculpting and creating, no matter what. 

He put into practice what he believed: if a person takes action, he’ll succeed. The essence of Picasso’s quote is, “do something” to make success happen.

You must do something related to your goals if you want to achieve them.

●     Focus less on the details.

●     Don’t be concerned about doing something wrong.

●     Just get started.

●     Continue to do whatever it is you’ve chosen and the actions you take will lead you to success.


29 reads

How to Apply Pablo Picasso’s Tip to Your Life!

How to Apply Pablo Picasso’s Tip to Your Life!

For your big goals, divide them into small, achievable steps that will lead you ever forward until you’ve accomplished your biggest desires.

It’s much easier to take action when you only have a small mini-goal to work on.

However, achieving these small goals one by one will bring great success.

For example, if you have a goal to lose 30 pounds, you can do this in 30 weeks by losing a pound a week. Each week, focus only on losing 1 pound. This is a goal you can achieve.


1.   Important Goal > Mini Goals

2. Mini Goals > Even shorter Steps

3.   Take your first step today.


22 reads


“Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success.” ~Dale Carnegie



47 reads

Dale Carnegie: Embrace Your Failures

Dale Carnegie: Embrace Your Failures

Carnegie stressed that you must experience discouragement and failure in your life in order to find success.

He believed that through examining your experiences of failures, you can gain the knowledge that will propel you to success. 

Instead of fearing failures and trying to avoid thinking about how you failed at something, look closely at your mistakes. 


38 reads

How to Apply Dale Carnegie’s Tip to Your Life!

How to Apply Dale Carnegie’s Tip to Your Life!

  1. Ask yourself why something didn’t work.
  2. Come up with a new strategy.
  3. Try out your new idea right away. 
  4. Repeat this process if your new idea doesn’t work.
  5. Above all, remember that the only way you can really fail is to give up.


●     Take a look at your three biggest failures in pursuing your goals.

●     Ask yourself why they happened.

●     Determine what likely would have been a more effective approach.

●     Is it desirable or possible for you to resume pursuing these goals with a new approach?


30 reads


“The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.” ~Ayn Rand



43 reads

Ayn Rand: Recognize Opportunity

Ayn Rand: Recognize Opportunity

Ayn's description of success being a ladder is apt because, in order to be successful, one must notice and take advantage of many opportunities throughout life.

Her quote illustrates that each opportunity leads to another step up to the next opportunity.


Rand’s quote implies it’s rare to go from nothing to success in one step. Instead, you’re led to succeed through the opportunities you notice and take advantage of.

It’s best not to expect success to come all at once with little time or effort.


27 reads

How to Apply Ayn Rand’s Tip to Your Life!

  • Think of success as something you can achieve step by step.
  • Each step or “rung” is an opportunity.
  • In order to benefit the most, keep your eyes open to whatever opportunities come your way.
  • The more opportunities you recognize and utilize, the more likely it is you’ll be successful.

Open your mind to the possibilities - Make a list of opportunities you have available to you right now.

Consider all facets of your life.

What can you do to take full advantage of them? 



28 reads


“It's better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in that direction.” ~Warren Buffett 



42 reads

Warren Buffett: Find Mentors Whom You Can Emulate

Warren Buffett: Find Mentors Whom You Can Emulate

Selecting successful people to fraternize with provides you with wonderful role models, free education, and information about how those people excel.

As you spend time with them, you’ll tend to copy their behaviors, become more motivated, and achieve your own success.


Known for his common sense approach to investing and managing money, Buffett has applied this same mantra when finding mentors to emulate. 


34 reads

How to Apply Warren Buffett’s Tip to Your Life!

How to Apply Warren Buffett’s Tip to Your Life!

Spending time with people who have more knowledge, business savvy, expertise, and even creativity can rub off on you.

When you choose to spend time with people you want to be like, you’re provided with a treasure trove of information about how those peers work and achieve their goals.

Seek and find at least one mentor in your professional field.


●     Choose one goal you’d like to work on and find an appropriate mentor.

●     Approach that person and ask them to mentor you.

●     Keep going until you find a mentor you respect and trust that’s willing to work with you.


27 reads


“If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” ~Michael Jordan 



39 reads

Michael Jordan: Confront and Resolve Obstacles

Michael Jordan: Confront and Resolve Obstacles

Jordan reminds us that when we’re working toward accomplishing goals, we’ll run in to obstacles. It’s necessary to expect them on your road to success.

However, these obstacles must not deter you. Instead, confront your challenges, figure out how to resolve the issues, and then fix them.

From the choice of wording, it’s clear that Jordan believes if a person is creative enough, he can rise above any obstacle that appears before him.

Basically, Jordan tells us to expect troublesome situations and “figure out” solutions to those roadblocks in order to be successful.


29 reads

How to Apply Michael Jordan’s Tip to Your Life!

How to Apply Michael Jordan’s Tip to Your Life!


It’s always wise to be prepared.

Recognize that it’s normal to experience bumps in the road on your way to a better life. 

●     Put on your thinking cap and brainstorm ways to get past your challenge.

●     Talk to your friends.

●     Seek advice from your mentor.

●     Try anything and everything to solve your dilemma. 


●     Choose a current challenge you’re facing.

●     Brainstorm several possible solutions to work around that obstacle.

●     Put your plan into action.


26 reads


“Success means doing the best we can with what we have. Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be.” ~Zig Ziglar



40 reads

Zig Ziglar: Enjoy the Journey

Zig Ziglar: Enjoy the Journey

Ziglar makes the point that success is less connected to receiving something than it is with doing something — taking action to get what you want.

You must put forth some effort to succeed. But it’s not necessary to win every race in order to ultimately achieve your goals.


Reach within to discover the best of what you have to give while you’re reaching for the stars.

Ziglar believes if you do this, you have arrived — you are successful.


28 reads

How to Apply Zig Ziglar’s Tip to Your Life!

How to Apply Zig Ziglar’s Tip to Your Life!

Achieving success is a journey. No matter where you are or what you have, you can start your road to success from there.

Taking action to do whatever it is you’ve chosen and putting forth your greatest efforts will move you further in that journey.


The more you try, the more likely you are to achieve your dream.


Which of your goals requires more effort to ensure your success?


Determine an action you should be doing more of to reach this goal and double your efforts.


27 reads

MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE - Summary and Reflection

MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE - Summary and Reflection

Discovering your passion,

having faith,

taking responsibility for your own life,

and thinking positive will help you begin your journey toward success. 

Finding mentors, confronting

and resolving obstacles,

and realizing you’re on a journey will all aid you in your quest for success. 

Achieving success is within your reach!


46 reads


Your journey to building a life you’ll love begins now! Enjoy!



69 reads



Books, meditation and lying on a couch with food & watching movies are my favorite things. At the same time, I help anyone to get the clarity and push they need to move beyond their fears, uncertainties, procrastination to make real progress on life goals.


Be inspired by words of wisdom from those who have already achieved great success and learn strategies to apply their ideas for success to your own life. This STASH shares the words of winners – great achievers who have been wildly successful, such as Walt Disney, Warren Buffet, Michael Jordan, and a dozen more. We’ve picked successful people from many different fields, but their ideas about achieving success are universal.

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