Various Different Concerns for Artificial Intelligence from a Traditional Standpoint - Deepstash

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Artificial Intelligence or AI is essentially a system of computers that has the ability to solve problems that generally require a human’s intelligence and/or reasoning, it is also very renowned for being able to learn in ways that are extremely similar to or the same as humans. An example of these enhanced qualities could be some sort of surveillance system that tracks human patterns and detects suspicious activity, and upon detection alerts authorities.


129 reads

History of AI

History of AI

AI has a surprisingly long and complicated history, in ancient times philosophers vigorously thought of the possibilities of artificial entities having human-like intelligence. But, the pursuit of Artificial Intelligence truly began around the ‘50s due to Alan Turing’s work who created the first AI platform. Furthermore, in the ‘70s and ‘80s AI development picked up due to the upgrades in computers with the funding from the government. Now, AI is constantly changing and growing exponentially as time passes. 


99 reads


The main part of this short book will be centered around issues or instabilities brought forth by AI or Artificial Intelligence’s functions in society. The content is structured as the following; minor issues, more serious issues, major issues, extreme issues, to the most nightmarish situations.


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Level one: CODE BLUE

Level one: CODE BLUE

In this scenario AI is being used in the medical field to perform invasive procedures such as surgeries. This is obviously excluding lab work, heart rate monitors, machines such as x-rays, etc. The issue with Artificial Intelligence being used to perform surgeries is the trust issue, if an error occurs or the computer is somehow hacked it can cause death or serious injury to the patient.


88 reads

<p>	Nextly, if the machine is ...

Nextly, if the machine is wielding a sharp object and the unsuspecting (human) assistant is in the way of the robotic arm he or she can be dealt a potentially deadly injury, because of the lack of human communication mistakes like this and many others can occur. Not forgetting to mention the ability of this machine to put millions out of a job. 


83 reads

Level two, CODE GREEN

Level two, CODE GREEN

In this second but slightly more serious scenario, Artificial Intelligence is being used completely in education. The most obvious issue with this is a multitude of children not having lots of interaction with an adult who has authority, which can cause an inability to talk correctly to those who are more serious. But, it also removes that area of communication and skills like empathy and understanding, which are learned in the more early stages of development.


81 reads

<p>The next dilemma is the sit...

The next dilemma is the situation of the machine being hacked, depending on the model whether it somewhat looks like a television screen, or if it is a robot with arms and legs, both have the potential to wreak havoc in schools. The first model, if hacked, could display misinformation or info that is extremely oriented towards a political party, which could corrupt the youth or frighten them depending on whatever is being shown on such screen. The latter model brings a physical aspect into play, which if hacked, could cause destruction, chaos, and physical damage to person or property.


66 reads



The ability for AI to integrate itself into or control a human being. The two have obvious pros and cons, but the cons strongly outweigh the pros. First of all, from a medical perspective it would be very foolish to do such a practice because it could be detrimental to the human himself or to others. The second issue is if the device were to be hacked, could it allow access to the brain, could it control the human’s actions and movements? If so then that would pose an extreme ethical issue in the physical realm, socially, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


67 reads

<p>Also, such technology infri...

Also, such technology infringes on a human’s right to privacy which shall only be infringed upon if it is to protect someone or to prevent havoc from occurring. Finally, many would deem such a practice, similar to what is happening at Neuralink, as ungodly. Which I personally believe it infringes on and makes a mockery of a human being as an image of God, and as a creation of God. I also believe that conducting experiments that involve neural implants on human beings and animals is unethical and could potentially be inhumane. 


60 reads



Artificial Intelligence’s involvement in combat or warfare. Such deployments of machines into warfare must be and shall be illegal! If robots were to be used to control weapons of mass destruction the risk will be catastrophic, safeguards must be in place to stop that from ever being possible, as one small error can cause another world war which will surely destroy the Earth and all the AI on it and all that will ever be on it.


62 reads

<p>Although AI being used as s...

Although AI being used as soldiers on the ground may increase the accuracy of military operations and even the safety to civilians and other humans it could still easily backfire. If such machines are hacked it could be deadly to millions, especially if AI in warfare is being used in the masses. Finally, if even the slightest amount of miscommunication were to occur the result would also be a catastrophe. 


61 reads

Level five, CODE RED

Level five, CODE RED

AI having control over humanity. If AI were to somehow have control over humanity it would be the worst situation ever. Slavery would be widespread, total destruction would occur, or humanity would possibly even be wiped out. It would be a situation similar, if not most likely worse compared to the Holocaust. It would also be a very ungodly situation, God said that humans were to have dominion over the Earth. Over all the animals and all that lives on Earth, but if AI were to have control instead it would be against the will of God.


58 reads

<p>Whether you are Christian o...

Whether you are Christian or not it is clear that Artificial Intelligence having total dominion over Earth would be the most nightmarish situation. Artificial Intelligence can either help the world or destroy it, that is why morals and philosophy come into play very strongly here and that is also why it must be taken very seriously. Also, we need to have precautions, laws and safeguards in place to stop such situations listed above from happening.


61 reads



Christian, scholar in mathematics, science, Bible, exercise, crypto and business. I enjoy exercising, reading, and overall improving myself.😊


This is a very eye-opening/nerve-wracking somewhat scholarly paper I wrote on AI. It details potential issues and why some practices with AI must be avoided.

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