The Forgotten Great King Ashoka and the 21st century - Deepstash

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Who Was King Ashoka?

Who Was King Ashoka?

King Asoka was the greatest monarch this world has ever seen, he ruled over entire Indian subcontinent and present day Afganistan and Pakistan and Bangladesh. He also had good ties with the Hellenistic world and spread Buddhism all over Asia and West Asia. He was great because he did not oppress or convert the religion of the territory he conquered.


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Why Mauryan Empire Fell?

But as all great things come to an end so did Maurya empire. Some historians say the policy of non violence towards any living being made the military weak and people forgot their martial capabilities. Hence after Asoka died, in just 10 years Maurya Empire collapsed from invasions and internal treachery.


7 reads

What Buddha Preached, Ashoka Showed The World To Chose The Path

What Buddha Preached, Ashoka Showed The World To Chose The Path

Ashoka chose the path of non violence and preached to live with harmony among all living beings after the Kalinga war. He opened hospitals, welfare homes, even appointed ministers for the minority gender and religion. But after his death it took no time for people to get back to corrupt ways. This is what has happened in Tibet and India. Both were attacked by imperialism of foreign country. World doesn’t know that this landmass has excelled in knowing the ultimate answer that all religions can’t answer “Is there god?” “Why is there suffering?” “What is after death?”.


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Struggles Of The Mordern World

Struggles Of The Mordern World

We have accepted that people are mean and world is cruel, because back in history people fought for anything and snatched everything. Today we have all the knowledge right at our fingertips to figure out how to become a better human. Buddhism and Vedanta has all the answers for the unanswered questions the modern scientists have. But the world is currently structured in a wrong way, there is plenty for everyone in this world. There shall not be a single person hungry if all come together to realise that we are one.


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Happy Where I Am

Everybody can and will counter the above and no one will try to find out about Buddhism or King Ashoka. Everyone wants not to disturb this illusion they are living. Everyone wants to adjust themselves in the way world is right now. Because to change is difficult and a long process and we have done enough damage to ourselves already.


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Read The Dhammachakra

Read The Dhammachakra

But what Asoka speaks of which he learned from Buddha and if we follow that and if that doesn’t lead to salvation of mankind than this is how its supposed to be. 

I bow down to those few people who are still trying. 


8 reads



Here i have shared my view on the Indian King Ashoka of the 268 BCE who has been forgotten because he renunciated his entire kingdom and took the path towards enlightenment and service. Let’s see what we can learn from him and implement a fraction into our lives.

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