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Soundtracks Summary

About Soundtracks Book

Overthinking isn't a personality trait. It's the sneakiest form of fear.

It steals time, creativity, and goals. It's the most expensive, least productive thing companies invest in without even knowing it. And it's an epidemic. When New York Times bestselling author Jon Acuff changed his life by transforming his overthinking, he wondered if other people might benefit from what he discovered. He commissioned a research study to ask 10,000 people if they struggle with overthinking too, and 99.5 percent said, "Yes!"

The good news is that in Soundtracks, Acuff offers a proven plan to change overthinking from a super problem into a superpower.

When we don't control our thoughts, our thoughts control us. If our days are full of broken soundtracks, thoughts are our worst enemy, holding us back from the things we really want. But the solution to overthinking isn't to stop thinking. The solution is running our brains with better soundtracks. Once we learn how to choose our soundtracks, thoughts become our best friend, propelling us toward our goals.

If you want to tap into the surprising power of overthinking and give your dreams more time and creativity, learn how to DJ the soundtracks that define you. If you can worry, you can wonder. If you can doubt, you can dominate. If you can spin, you can soar.

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Soundtracks by Jon Acuff

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The Surprising Solution to Overthinking



  • Your thoughts either move you forward or hold you back
  • Influence ideas with action
  • Cannot turn off thoughts; turn them down instead
  • Replace “broken soundtracks” with songs you want to hear
  • Use the power of opposites to change the direction of your thoughts
  • Recite motivational soundtracks aloud for 30 days, notice how that changes your outlook
  • Gather true, helpful, kind soundtracks to create a chorus that sings during times of overthinking
  • Renounce pocket jury – internal judge who tries to thwart progress – by gathering evidence
  • Translate new soundtracks into a symbol that helps you embrace positivity


Your thoughts either move you forward or hold you back.

When you overthink, thoughts repeat or spin in your brain – longer than you expect, longer than you want. These thoughts often exaggerate things you said or did that you’d rather forget.

“Even if we are very deliberate in other areas of our lives, we tend to treat our thought life as something we have no control over.”

Over time, your brain repeats these broken soundtracks, and they reset your memories. You believe what your brain tells you and find evidence to support those beliefs.

You can learn to control your brain and to ignore your broken soundtracks.


Influence your ideas with action.

“What you think influences what you do, which influences the results you get.”

When reflecting, ask whether they reflect these qualities:

  • True – Many people believe the story their thoughts tell without testing for credibility. Broken soundtracks harm culture and spirit of an organization if people fail to question the veracity of those messages.
  • Helpful – When analyzing thoughts about this conversation, however, consider: Do they fuel your progress or cause indecision?
  • Kind – Kind thoughts do not judge you. Google, for example, found that when team members treated their peers without judgment.


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Related To Overthinking

He defines them as brain playing a track on repeat and thats painful , so you change that and think about the good stuff and play your own soundtrack


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