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About Tiny Habits Book
The world's leading expert on habit formation shows how you can have a happier, healthier life: by starting small.
Myth: Change is hard. Reality: Change can be easy if you know the simple steps of Behavior Design.
Myth: It's all about willpower. Reality: Willpower is fickle and finite, and exactly the wrong way to create habits.
Myth: You have to make a plan and stick to it. Reality: You transform your life by starting small and being flexible.
BJ FOGG is here to change your life--and revolutionize how we think about human behavior. Based on twenty years of research and Fogg's experience coaching more than 40,000 people, Tiny Habits cracks the code of habit formation. With breakthrough discoveries in every chapter, you'll learn the simplest proven ways to transform your life. Fogg shows you how to feel good about your successes instead of bad about your failures.
Already the habit guru to companies around the world, Fogg brings his proven method to a global audience for the first time. Whether you want to lose weight, de-stress, sleep better, or be more productive each day, Tiny Habits makes it easy to achieve.
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Build long lasting habits by improving 1% everyday.
Consistent behavior = Habits.
Everything big started small. Remember our vast universe originated when infinitesimal particles big banged.
Behavior should be tiny and easy so that it can be performed and achieved consistently and develop into a habit.
The simpler and tiny a behavior , more likely it will happen and consistently it will develop into habit.
Behavior (B) is sum of Motivation (M) , Ability (A) & Prompt (P).
When these 3 elements converge behavior happens.
The desire to perform can be termed as motivation.
Motivation is essential and most important part of the behavior equation, however it is most unreliable.
Motivation is complex, like a wave, which has peaks and lows. During peak of motivation, hard behavior can be achieved easily and during lows, even simple behavior seem like a daunting task.
To achieve sustainable motivation, one should see benefits of the actions.
One should set clear goals, tangible targets, and set tiny goal with is easily achieved. Achievement of goals led to positive reinforcement and provide motivation for bigger targets
Tiny is mighty. At least when it comes to change.
Prompts are the invisible drivers of our lives.
Emotions create habits. Not repetition. Not frequency. Not fairy dust. Emotions.
The easier a habit is, the higher the chances that you’ll adopt it.
Human behavior is driven both by what we’re motivated to do and what we can do. This means we tend to prefer picking the low-hanging fruit and doing the easy stuff. And that’s the key to designing tiny habits. When you make something simple and easy to do, you’re much more likely to actually do it.
First, there’s motivation, meaning your desire to do something.
Second, there is ability, or your capacity to do that thing.
Third, there are prompts, which are the stimuli that trigger you to do it.
You can design prompts to trigger your own desired behaviors.
Don't rely on motivation if you want to build on the long term.
When someone plans to go to the gym and be fit for the summer and fails to do it, we tend to focus on its motivation: "Go to the gym. You promised to do it. Do you want to be fat?"
And it doesn't work. Motivation is useful for going to the gym once. To go more times, we need to rely on
Motivation doesn't produce results. We need skills and a good prompt.
Make the behavior so tiny it doesn't need motivation and find the right context to help you do it easily.
To achieve complex things into small blocks
Braking long term or short term course plan into small blocks of action and follow the same on shorter period will result in enormous results by incorporating them as our habits after a period of time.
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