What Are The Habits Of Highly Effective People? - Deepstash
What Are The Habits Of Highly Effective People?

What Are The Habits Of Highly Effective People?

  1. Sharpen the saw
  2. Be productive
  3. Begin with an end in mind
  4. Put first things first
  5. Think win-win
  6. Seek first to understand, then to be understood
  7. Synergize


15 reads




Life is not about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself.

The idea is part of this collection:

How To Learn Anything Fast

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The importance of practice and repetition in learning

How to stay motivated and avoid burnout while learning

How to break down complex concepts into manageable parts

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Short Summary

Short Summary

1. Be proactive

2. Begin with the end in mind

3. Put first things first

4. Think “win-win”

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

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