22 Dress like today is important 23 Have... - Deepstash

22 Dress like today is important

23 Have a belief system

24 Have a little space for yourself each day

25 Have a plan

26 Have a sense of humour

27 Choose how you make your bed

28 Life can be a bit like advertising

29 Get used to stepping outside your comfort zone

30 Learn to ask questions

31 Have dignity

32 It’s OK to feel big emotions

33 Keep the faith

34 You’ll never understand everything

35 Know where true happiness comes from

36 Know when to let go – when to walk away

37 Look after yourself

38 Maintain good manners in all things

39 Prune your stuff frequently

40 Remember to touch base


23 reads





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Rules #31 - #40

Rules #31 - #40

31. Fuel the habit bonfire.

32. Have a philosophy.

33. Make time for philosophy.

33. Don’t just read—you must 

Ideas 27 - 36

Ideas 27 - 36

27. If possible, take the stairs.

28. Always be willing to miss the next train.

29. Eat meat once a week, max. Ideally less.

30. Be polite to rude strangers – it’s oddly thrilling.

31. Ask questions, and listen to the answers.

32. Connect with nature: stand outside b...

Law 26: Don’t dirty your hands. Get others to do your dirty work.

Law 27: Create a cult-like following. Play on what people want to see/hear.

Law 28: Act boldly, so you seem confident.

Law ...

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