Why The Economy Isn't Progressing. - Deepstash
Why The Economy Isn't Progressing.

Why The Economy Isn't Progressing.

We are given the power to vote and to better our country. If our mindset towards voting is,

" Why should I care? " Then, how will our economy progress? How will our lives be better if we let politicians buy our power and capability to better our economy?

Like your mindset, whom you have voted will also have the same mindset.

" Why should I care? I am in the position already. "

Use your power as a citizen of your country. Vote wisely. Vote righteously. Be the change to happen first!


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Hello. I write down my ideas sometimes. Feel free to stash/read them, they might be useful or relevant. Good day.

Hey! As the election in some countries might be coming. Please keep this one idea in mind. Good day!

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