Probabilities that are grounded in a person’s degrees of... - Deepstash

Probabilities that are grounded in a person’s degrees of confidence in propositions.


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Centers of Progress

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The historical significance of urban centers

The impact of cultural and technological advances

The role of urban centers in shaping society

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"We define grounded confidence as curiosity + the willingness to rumble with vulnerability + practice. While armor is our greatest barrier to being brave, grounded confidence is the heart of daring leadership."


Authentic vulnerability

Authenticity transforms normal insecurity into grounded confidence. 

While faked confidence hides insecurity, weakness and self-doubt, true authenticity owns and acknowledges these less pleasant experiences in a way that ultimately enhances our sense of self.

What Confidence Is

What Confidence Is

True confidence is a feeling of self-assurance that is grounded in an authentic experience of our own ability, perspective and sufficiency.

It’s a stable connection to the fact that we can do what we want to do, feel how we want to feel, and be who we want to be in this world.

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