The Four Laws: What are they? - Deepstash
The Four Laws: What are they?

The Four Laws: What are they?

The Four Laws are a simple set of rules for creating habits. They provide a practical framework designed around the four step-loop presented earlier. The inversion of the Four laws are used to break habits. Following these simple frameworks allows us to manage our habits and reveals some insight on human behavior.

Four Laws to Form Good Habits:

  1. Make it obvious (Cue)
  2. Make it attractive (Craving)
  3. Make it easy (Response)
  4. Make it satisfying (Reward)

Inversion of the Four Laws to Break Bad Habits:

  1. Make it invisible (Cue)
  2. Make it unattractive (Craving)
  3. Make it hard (Response)
  4. Make it unsatisfying (Reward)


210 reads



Atomic Habits provides clear and concise instructions on how to improve in any desirable aspect of life. The major theme Clear presents in this book is how little changes can create remarkable results. Clear's provides a simple yet thorough process called the "Four Laws of Behavior Change." This life changing material is tied together through examples of principles and a structured process for creating desired habits while eliminating undesired habits. The following is a brief overview from a section in the book titled "Little Lessons from the Four Laws."

Similar ideas to The Four Laws: What are they?

How To Break A Bad Habit

How To Break A Bad Habit

  • Cue: Make it invisible
  • Craving: Make it unattractive
  • Response: Make it difficult
  • Reward: Make it unsatisfying

How To Create A Good Habit

How To Create A Good Habit

  • Cue: Make it obvious.
  • Craving: Make it attractive.
  • Response: Make it easy.
  • Reward: Make it satisfying.

Building Good Habits

Building Good Habits

  1. Make the CUE visible.
  2. Make it attractive (more CRAVING).
  3. Make your RESPONSE easy.
  4. Give yourself a satisfying REWARD

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