Desire Initiates. Pleasure Sutains. - Deepstash

Desire Initiates. Pleasure Sutains.

Wanting and liking are the the drivers of our behaviors. Without desire and interest, there is no reason to take action. However, there must be a degree of enjoyment in order to continue taking action. Put another way: Feeling motivated gets you to act. Feeling successful gets you to repeat.


116 reads



Atomic Habits provides clear and concise instructions on how to improve in any desirable aspect of life. The major theme Clear presents in this book is how little changes can create remarkable results. Clear's provides a simple yet thorough process called the "Four Laws of Behavior Change." This life changing material is tied together through examples of principles and a structured process for creating desired habits while eliminating undesired habits. The following is a brief overview from a section in the book titled "Little Lessons from the Four Laws."

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