Lead with Integrity and Compassion - Deepstash

Lead with Integrity and Compassion

Stand Up for Integrity

  • Protecting the sanctity of important spaces and values is crucial for maintaining integrity.
  • Jesus drove out the money changers to restore the temple's sanctity.
  • What actions can you take to protect and uphold integrity in your environment?

Channel Righteous Anger for Good

  • Righteous anger can be a powerful force for positive change when used correctly.
  • How can you use your anger constructively to address injustice?

Provide Healing and Support

  • Offering healing and support to those in need demonstrates compassion and leadership. Jesus healed the blind and lame who came to Him.


39 reads



The article explores three key messages from the Gospel of Matthew: maintaining integrity in all aspects of life, relying on faith and hope through difficult times, and finding a balance between our civic duties and spiritual responsibilities.

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Develop True Insight and Integrity

Focus on What Truly Matters

  • Paying attention to minor details while ignoring major issues can lead to poor judgment.
  • Jesus criticized the leaders for straining out a gnat but swallowing a camel.

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