Prioritize Sleep for Productivity - Deepstash

Prioritize Sleep for Productivity

Quality sleep is the foundation of chrono-productivity. Ensure you're getting enough rest to allow your body to function at its best during your peak hours.


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5 science backed strategies to align your work with your body's natural rhythm to supercharge your productivity

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#8: Prioritize your sleep

#8: Prioritize your sleep

You need 7–8 hours of high-quality sleep each night to fully rest your body and brain.

Many believe that to be more productive, they need to sacrifice their sleep. 

In reality the opposite is true. A good night’s sleep is the foundation of a highly productive day.


Sleep and productivity

Sleep and productivity

When it comes to productivity, getting enough sleep is essential. Any morning routine you develop needs to accommodate your sleeping rhythms.

And research indicates that 7-8 hours per day is a nearly universal requirement.

Getting Sufficient Sleep

Getting Sufficient Sleep

When you’re consistently not getting enough sleep, you get used to feeling tired, and your body adapts to function on that amount of sleep. But this doesn’t mean that you’re performing at your best on this amount of sleep. 

Even when you don’t feel physically ti...

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